Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marijuana for Appetite Stimulation

Comment on the experiment of marijuana...

I wasn't in a migraine phase, but today, after taking all the tablets of steroids at once, it triggered a bit of a migraine. I read on directions too, it increases introcular and brain pressure, so that could be why this happened. It also affects horomones and the adrenal and pituitary glands in general.

So I smoked a little bit of weed. I have no idea what's in THIS stuff, but it seems stronger than usual because I only had a tiny bit. I've never told anyone, ever, where I get it. It's not that big of a deal but still.

My ex has been concerned about my appetite and I've lost a lot of weight. I didn't want to know how much I weighed and we didn't weigh me. Which was nice. I don't want to remember pre and after bearing-child weight.

I eat but I just have not been hungry. I can only eat a 1/3 of a plate of something at a time. Smaller snacks. But after I smoked, I ate an entire plate of steak and potatoes and rice and beans. The whole thing. My ex came in and looked at this, shocked and said, "You ate all that?" and I said yes and then realized, Wow! I had eaten everythingn on the plate. Then he asked if I wanted more and I ate another PLATE!

I realized, then, for myself, wow! this is absolutely true--it totally stimulates the appetite, or can, and WOULD be really good for people who need something to get them to eat!

For the first time in months, I was able to eat a whole plate of anything.

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