Monday, March 2, 2009

Meet Me At The Cafe

I stopped by a cafe I used to frequent in Arlington but she says the hours are until 7 and I got here a little after 6. I was hoping to meet up with one of the Pakistan guys I know. For some reason, everyone in this town wants their identities to be kept a secret. Even one diplomat from one country, might not want another diplomat from that SAME country, to know who they are hanging out with and what they're up to, even if it's harmless enough.

Lots of secrecy and I write, but I try to keep IDs private when it's unnecessary to write out a name. For one thing, I haven't even named by fiance.

I am learning to write privately as well as publicly. I get more of kick out of writing publicly, imagining the reactions of those who sometimes read my crazier stuff. It cracks me up. But I want to write even MORE privately, with an electric typewriter or something.

I guess everyone needs a fireproof vault too. I mean, if you want to protect important papers and don't want to put everything in a P.O. Box.

I'll try coming here again, because I noticed when I was here, and posted on my blog, he would sometimes show up at just that moment, so if he's still reading my blog or just passing by, maybe one of these days he'll see me in the window.

I don't want anyone to think I'm a spy though, or an informant, just because I hang out with different people, or with those from different countries. I generally don't talk about people I know with other people. I might say, "Oh! I know another diplomat from Pakistan! or I guess, with a sibling who is a diplomat" but I won't say the names. Believe me, I have no important info to share, other than what has happened to me personally, in my life, and that's it. I would rather be friends with everyone...something I want to write about in my next post, regarding taking sides.

I went to the Arlington Post Office today to see if perhaps they were holding the CDs that I requested from Wenatchee--the ones which are audio recordings of my being hung up at the start of an important hearing, after I was told (with no notice) I had to represent myself pro se.

I made small progress today, and got copies of my medical records from George Washington University Hospital. I was thankful they decided not to charge me for things. So I got all of my records, paper and radiology, from GW today. The post office was closed, I think due to the weather, and the Hyattsville courthouse was also closed so I couldn't file anything there.

Tomorrow I plan to get a lot of things done. I have also made a new plan, regarding my legal stuff.

I am going to write out all the things I need and have to do, or want to do, for my legal proceedings to clear my name and get my son, and how much, approximately, it will cost, so if anyone wants to help financially, they can see what the costs would be, item by item.

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