Monday, March 16, 2009

Music Today

I'm keeping myself better organized with my posts. Music stays with the music. I am listening, from the crack of dawn, to Coldplay radio. Wrote down all the songs I heard this morning in the bathroom and then now. I've been keeping lists and I'm going to start a music book, or maybe I should just document things here. First song of the day was "Viva la Vida". Wrote down everything I heard but don't have that paper with me now.

I like The Verve "I See Houses", right from the first notes. Beautiful. Embrace "The good will out", is very nice lyrically and how it's sung. The Fray's "Hundred" brought tears to my eyes. Editor's "All Sparks" is interesting. The Verve really caught my attention and I had to go back and read a little bit about them. I like the piano in "Hundred" best--my favorite element of the song. Franz Ferdinand "Tell Her Tonight" is cool with the instrumentals but I don't think I love it. I like Muse a lot, as a band. I've heard more than one song that I thought was pretty and I really think they have something ("Bliss"). The Music..."Human", it's mood-evoking but uninteresting to me. At the end, sort of U2-ish but it's too much of the 1970s guitars going on and on forever in an endless stream of consciousness thing for me. Like, where the woman is winding her arms around while wearing a tie-dyed shirt and leather bandana around her forehead. Sort of a trance type of song.

I want to cry in public over this song. I am an instant fan of the band Travis and their song "Side". I am NOT going to cry in public! where are my sunglasses? I put them on. lol. this one is a tear-jerker for me. i put my glasses on but still had to rescue two tears which came from my right eye. Isn't it strange how you can cry out of just ONE eye? they were just two silent tears though. funny how I can write about it but not want to be seen. It's that "i'd rather be a voice than a figure" thing I guess. I also like The Servant "Out of Phase". How I love all my beautiful Irish, Scottish, and English bands. I cannot help myself. I have love for the other genres too, but you know...I don't like "Everyday I Love You Less & Less" by Kaiser Chiefs. I like the 80s fusion into "Northern Whale" by The Good, the Bad, and the Queen. Hahaaa. Like the title of the band. hilarious. I like Stereophonics "Nice to be Out" simple melody. I can sing "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol in harmony. I didn't realize this song was by Snow Patrol. I can sing this one like a spiritual anthem. It's one I can do. This has the same quality of some of the Coldplay songs and there is something about this one that transcends the natural--one for changing lives.

This one makes me smile. "Read My Mind" by The Killers. I think of only one person when I hear this. Time for my glasses.

Hahaa. Jet's "Shiny Magazine"...I smiled at the line "being sweet just doesn't sell..." I also like Coldplay's "clocks" of course, and I DO like Muse "Falling Away With You", "eyes can't stop crying" made me think a bit, and I took instant notice of The Kooks "Gap". Keane 'again and again", Athlete "tokyo" and Snow Patrol's "Somewhere a Clock is ticking." I'm not paying as good of attention now, though...writing about Osama sort of takes my focus. I do like Franz Ferdinands "Take Me Out." Kaiser Chiefs' "I predict a riot" is sort of rousing but what I like even more is this 80s infused one by Robbie Williams "Sin, sin, sin." I had to click on it to read about the guy...English. Oh wow. I love this one--"Strange & Beautiful (I'll put a spell on you)" by Aqualung. One of my favorites for lyrics and lyrics and lyrics and oh yeah, the melody too and piano and rhythm at the start. His voice is good too. I like the ending where he does the "yeahs." there are four of them at the end. My favorite one, in expressiveness, is the second yeah. the feeling comes through. I am distracted from finishing the Osama post because of this song too, "Follow Me" by Thirteen Senses. At first, I thought, ho hum, it's a boring intro and just like anything else, and then I heard the voice and words. There's something spiritual to this one too. I like The Killers "Exitlude" for its man choir military chorus. I can see a whole huge hall of military guys singing this. Or a large pub of guys. I like Starsailor's "lullaby" a lot. It makes me think about my life and where I'm going from here, if I even will be living a very long life at all. If I do, and I get ahead, I will not forget those who helped me when I was down and had nothing and no one believed me. Toploader is good "Dancing in the Moonlight" is one of my favorites.

I like this newer band, I think it's newer...and I like the lyrics--"Just Abuse Me" by Air Traffic, nice piano work. That's sort of original, to throw in a little almost classical or jazz riff into an alternative song. I like that piano throw in. Also like "happy endings" but it's sad. First song I heard by Oasis did not impress me at all, but I do like "wonderwalk". The Servant's "Devil" got's not playing. When the music stops, I can't restart it.

"Fix You" by Coldplay. I have one thing to say. Someone said these guys had to sort of catch on to sell it, and that live, at first, it wasn't there. But there are some bands you hear and you know there is a god given calling. This is one of very few. They are not just a band. they are right about their 'anthems' but they are infused with a gift, what I would call the gift of David. While someone said they had to work on the live element, what's interesting, is when I see that video of "fix you" and I just sit in awe. That swinging of the light over his head...that is pure war cry. That is raising the standard right there.

There are others. I wish I hadn't just named Coldplay and U2 bc they're white bands and there are some gorgeous and called performers who are black and other colors as well. They just came to mind at the time. But you know it when you hear it. It's when something goes beyond the music and even the voice itself. There are so many talented black performers, gifted naturally in so many ways, it boggles the mind. I mean, the natural gifting of these people. I love tremaine hawkins. she's alittle out there, and not for everyday, but she's a wailer. ohmigod, and Erykah Badu is probably my favorite most under-rated, understated genius. She is just pure genius. It is incredible though, the very RAW talent so many of the black or even mixed performers have with sometimes absolutely no's just practice and natural.

I love "Wires" by Athlete. I absolutely adore this one as well. "I see christmas your eyes..." this is beautiful. Good job guys.

I really like Aqualung I think, this is the second thumbs up song I've heard and the little speech in the middle made me smile and sort of laugh to myself. I sort of, now hearing the end, don't like the very's a predictable tying of the knot. You know, with the drumroll and the ba doo, ba doo, ba dum. Sort of that, crashed through the finish line tape and hop hop hop jog over to the kool aid stand. Not bad at all, amazing song. I love it, but what I heard was a live performance and it sort of rounded up predictably. I don't think I have the right words for what I mean to say. I like TRAVIS a lot. It's a Scottish band I guess, and I'm hearing "Pipe Dreams". I like "In My Room" by The Last Shadow Puppets but it's a little hitchcock for me though, I would walk out of a concert with that sound feeling like I should stagger left and right in a daze, like a zombie, eyes wide. Good for a particular mood. Hahahaa! Nice drumming on this one! I like the energy in this one and the drums! even the clapping. The Wombats "Moving To New York" ahhahhaa and the honking of the car or taxi horn. That made me laugh out loud. LOL.

It's so funny we Americans don't get to hear all this good stuff. I am so happy I found lastfm because it has helped me with my music education. I don't know where to start or who to look for on my own and it's nice to have stations like this that introduce you to so many things. I liked the range in the cabaret genre too. But I absolutely love this. It's like being in class. But better. Oh, way better than class.

I am still laughing about "Moving to New York" that song totally cracks me up but because it's surprising and fun, not bc I'm making fun of it. I love it.

Oasis "All Around The World" I like for the positive lyrics. The first song I heard by them, though, was not impressive to me. Too much clanging. I like The Kooks "See the Sun." and Snow Patrols "Save Me From This Darkness?" don't know the title, for the lyrics but feels manipulative too. Like, something I want to say "fuck you!" to, and add, "It's your own damn fault, your fucking 'darkness'". I like the instrumentals of Elbow "One Day Like This". Did he say "holy cow?" or did I hear this wrong? if he said holy cow, i really like it. I do like the violins or whatever, along with some of the other instrumentals. Dido's "thank you" is great. It's the story of my life, well, missing the bus, and being late, and everything else.

My ex made the bed this morning, again, before leaving. He makes the BED every morning, almost. I am perplexed everytime I see a made bed. I mean, why make the fucking bed when you're just going to mess it up again 12 hours later? because it looks nice? who spends all day in their bedroom, looking at their BED? and who else is going to be in the bedroom, looking at the bed? I mean, maybe toss the covers over a little, but forget the four corners shit. It's a good habit, I'm not making fun of this. I make the bed sometimes, just throw covers over, but it's not the number one priority on my list. Well that was a tangent. He would do well in the military. I would be kicked out on the first day.

I like Racing Rat's by the Editors, for lyrics but it's scary. It's a spy song. Oh, that one was short. It was by Silent Cry and very poignant. I didn't catch the name of it. Like Mr. Brightside by The Killers of course. I like a lot of these different bands, but The Killers do stand out apart from some of the others. I don't know why. Keane's lyrics on this one are original and hahaa...something for every writer to consider. The song is "You Haven't Told Me Anything (i didn't already know)." Sounds like a man who is bored. Shoot me between the eyes, he says, if you're going to keep talking about nothing.

Wrote down some other songs on paper. Don't want to type it all out right now. I switched over, for now, to Lady Gaga radio. "LoveGame". No, not listening to the radio with other artists. I just want all Lady Gaga. "Poker Face." I should get her CD. Heard "Paparazzi" for the first time today and was impressed with her voice, her softer side. I think she's a spectacular songwriter though, and has an interesting twist and strength. She's a feminist, but a fighter. I don't know, it's good. Good melody too. Then I heard Pink's "Who Knew" and the first time I heard her voice I thought, she could sing anything, even crap, and it would sell. She's got one of the best female rock voices. Still looking for my Janis Joplin though. Where's the next Janis? Britney's better than she ever was before...I don't know who put "Womanizer" together, but it's reminds me of the strength of the Mariah Carey comeback. Instead of fading away, they came back stronger than before. I mean, major comebacks. And a LOT of behind-the-scenes people and producers and sound engineers and mixers to thank for that too. It's surprising to me how fickle the general public is, and the media too, actually. Once an artist, always an artist. No one can take that away and it's shocking when I see the lack of faith that comes with minor "glitches" or setbacks, which happen to everyone. Katy Perry's voice is interesting for it's deep breathy cigarette tone. In 10 years, Stevie Nicks. lol. But right now, she sounds good. I do think it's her material though, and her beauty. She's not really selling her stories I don't think. "If You Can Afford Me" sounds like a recitation. There's no feeling in it, and too canned. The other one, where she's chasing after the guy, she does well on that one with her expression. This one is too canned. If I saw her video for it, I know I'd like it, only because she's probably the only singer who could almost make me wonder if I'm possibly bi. Lol. But seriously, that girl has gams. In her little 1950s betty boop swimsuits and heels, she has a very nice turn out with her legs. If I couldn't SEE her, though, I wouldn't buy her stuff. I think she's a really good sort of Cabaret performer. I don't mean it in a derogatory way. She's the visual package though, more than anything. Like a 50s pin-up.

Peformance is one thing and it will sell tickets for concerts. But for pure music, I want to hear it without seeing who is behind the voice. Like, the first time I ever heard Eminem, I thought he was full-on BLACK and BEAUTIFUL. I was like, "Wow. this is the shit." and it was hilarious and then I find out he's this skinny white kid who could fucking RAP? and write? I definitely like Keri Hilson "Energy". I like this much better than Perry's "If you can afford me" song. Perry just doesn't sound bitchy enough for the song. Hilson's voice fits this song--energy I mean. I don't think I like Girls Aloud "Long Hot Summer"--this reminds me of a less talented Bangles group and they can't rap or sing fast or whatever they're trying to do here.

I like Lily Allen "Knock 'Em Out". This is fantastic and it's not her accent. Cracks me up, this song. Suzanne Vega mixed with Grease or something but funny and it's good. Yeah, this one makes me laugh out loud. Very, very, good. Christina Aguilera's "Voice Within." She just has a classic, powerful voice. I think her voice and range is far better than Spears but Spears has something to her style and is a fantastic dancer. Spears is good for her style and Aguilera is more of a balladeer. She's the National Anthem (inspirational) Singer while Spears is sort of Blondie/Madonna. I love Madonna. I listen to her old stuff more but should listen to her new music. I like "Give it 2 Me" and what's strange is that her voice is actually as good as it was when she was younger. I think Madonna has the attitude. That's what some of the other very good female voices are lacking. Madonna had and still has, attitude and it comes through. I also like how she doesn't let age or life get in the way, as some would lose confidence, she's still got everything. And I like this, because she sets a high standard, and breaks barriers for other women. Lauper too, and I hear even Blondie is known to sing and club in NYC. Country musicians can sing until they're 80 years old but it's been more difficult for pop stars to keep it going and she does.

Girlicious' "Save The World" is a great song and sort of a good feeling, warming song, and I think they can get the right feeling across, the expressiveness is right on and it's smooth, but in general, they could be one of any number of these put together girl groups. Like they just throw together 4 women and want them to be Posh Spice and Baby and whatever that whole thing was about. They cannot rap or sing fast though, again. These women who can't speak the message should stick to singing. Lily Allen can speak it and sing it.

Beyonce' "Irresplaceable" is just proof SHE is irreplaceable. This is an example of someone who has a fantastic voice but can speak the message too, and could rap or do whatever she wants, AND she has THE EXPRESSION and the interpretation is right on. Not too mention, good and catchy melodies. My favorite part though, is the "to the left, to the left" part. Its' my favorite part of the whole song. And "Everything you own in the box to the left" No, I like the bridge thing too, "You must not know bout ME..." this is how it's done. She has everything and even though it's not a spiritual message, she's got the calling there, and that has soul.

Alesha Dixon "Knock Down", to me, is forgetable. She has a good voice, but is forgetable. At least in this song. She has a nice electronica and could go punk voice but she's not coming through at all.

Michelle Williams "The Greatest" has something. She's a communicator with a good voice. You know what I notice too, she has rhythm. I don't know why this would stand out with her and doesn't hit me with the others, but I notice, she has a really good sense of timing. I like Hillary Duff's "Danger". For all the light cotton candy press she's received, she is better than that. The music and the production is what I like best about this song. The sound and she can sing this too. Her voice fits the music. I like the slightly eastern indian quality to it and would like more of it. Sort of the "danger" but I'm a snake charmer idea.

Pussycat Dolls is at least one girl "group" right now that has some stellar songwriting and melodies. Hmmm. Don't know about stellar songwriting...but good R&B hip hop and composition and their voices are all good. I don't know who the guy rapping is though? I don't think he's that great. I mean...hmmmm. It's okay, but it almost seems like he's dragging a little bit, just slightly behind the...? I don't know. The girls are good though. Just thinking about it, I don't think the lyrics are stellar, but then, for what it is, for sexy and catchy, they're good.

I like Sugababes "About You Now" for the song itself. It's pop but when I think about trying to dance to this, I wouldn't be able to dance to this. But I could drive fast and sing loud, to this one. So this one is working and they get the message across too. I don't know if they're memorable in the long run, but it's a decent song. I like the music to the song and the drive and their voices are good.

Britney Spears "Born to Make You Happy" starts out, after Sugababes "About You Now", sounding dubious. If I had to compare, Sugababes win the song competition, but she's still got something going for her. She has the strangest sort of little girl crossed with porn star tone. Her diction is really good, and it seems like not a big deal, but her diction is perfect. She makes me smile.

Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" is such a better showcase for Perry. That other song does NOT work for her or SHE doesn't work it. But here, she's got it. Absolutely. Don't have to see her to know it. I remember when I first heard this song, I thought it was so repetitive but then I couldn't get the thing out of my head. It kept growing on me, and she totally sings this one and communicates and has the right attitude. I don't know what happened with the "If You Can Afford Me" one. Maybe she didn't write that one herself? I don't know.

Pink's "Get the Party Started" is catchy but I think there are even better things in store for Pink. I mean, this is good and has my foot tapping and I think I could dance to this one too. I want a drink in my hand. This one is like a subliminal flash of coke and popcorn before the movie so you run to the concession stand song. I could put my make up on to this one, getting in the mood to go out clubbing. It's good. But she has a LOT more to offer than just this. I think Pink could break out bigger somehow. In a strange way, I feel Pink hasn't found her "voice" yet. I think it will come though, in a bigger way.

Now one major success and incredible girl is Kelly Clarkson. This one has "the calling" and the gift of David, which I can't put a finger on exactly. She is this amazing voice and what a crazy discovery. AMERICAN FUCKING IDOL and she is such a star, in every way, of her own right. I haven't heard any American idol that compares. She blows me away and she can do ROCK. She can wail on the ballads AND rock, sings the message, and what is there, is she sings from her heart. Like, this is one who is crying as she's singing because she senses the gift or "annointing" if you will, as she sings. Breakaway. She has such a gorgeous clarity of voice too. She's truly stunning and makes me want to cry.

hahhaahaaaa! Yes, I forgot about this one. Pink's "So What". As soon as I hear her singing this one, it made me smile and I want to laugh too, like, "GO GIRL!!!! YESSSssssss." This is a little more of what I think is still to come. I love this song and I love it for HER too. It makes me laugh, that right-on attitude. I want to take up boxing and kickboxing and jump around to this one. I like her little end too, with the noise effect.

Okay, I want to dance to this one. This is a good club song I think. I kind of like a little more hip hop-rap for clubbing, for what I can personally dance to, but I really like this one. Sophie Ellis-Bextor, she's here to stay. way to go with blending 70s disco and 80s electronica at the same time. Murder on the Dance Floor. I want to go dancing! and if I were in my private room, I'd jump. No jumping allowed in public...(shhh). This is one where my hands would be up and I've been advised it's not very classy to dance in public with arms up. But what the hell, in my room? bathroom? after too many drinks?

I absolutely adore Lady Gaga's "Poker Face". I really identify, personally, for some reason, with this song. And this one makes me want to cry because she is so astounding and is DIFFERENT. For me, a breath of fresh air and daring, and this is natural talent. I mean, she's had some time to hone this and had a little money or family fortune on her side, but you know what, she has a gift and money doesn't buy that. It might buy dance lessons, voice lessons, or wahtever, but this chick writes some serious shit and was, I read, playing piano by ear at the age of 4? I like her, personally, over Britney AND Christina. She's a creative artist. I mean, she's original and creative. I love her and believe in her and in longevity of career for her.

I like Annie's "Heartbeat" and want to be in a club for this one. She has a sweet voice that pulls off as being sort of ethereal and powerful at the same time. A little bit like Kate Bush but I like the originality of Bush still. Hey, and I like this ENDING! It doesn't drum on forever, or try for a winding down finale. It just quits but it's right. Sor to f makes you wonder...encore? but no, it's perfect. I like The Ting Tings too "Fruit Machine" the title of this group. Almost sums them up--not concerned about being "right" but just going for the sound, sort of experimental. Makes me laugh. I don't know, long run, if they're forever and ever, or if they have other songs, but that's an excellent and original idea. I like for writing something unique and visual.

At first I didn't like Beyonce's "Sweet Dreams" but as it goes on I like it more and more, and I could dance to this one. I think. Not sure. Would have to work my sexy out and see.

I like this message, and laughed out loud, the no no no no no no part and the "women unite" idea. Exactly. So tired of competition and we should just all be having fun. I really, really, like this one. Much more impressed with Alesha Dixon on this song than her other one. I guess the ohohohs are repetititve but it works and I like the ending too. Good girl. Like heah. I want to say "her" with a british accent. Very danceable.

Britney Spears "I Love Rock 'n' Roll". I just love this song, period, and Joan Jett's version is my favorite, but Britney does a good job of this. Takes me back to my first days on the bus as a 5 year old or however old I was. This was my INDUCTION into rock 'n' roll. This was it, Joan Jett's "I Love Rock 'n' Roll". I remember thinking, I had ascended into the 7th level of heaven or whatever. What is THIS?! I remember thinking. Wow. And that was my stairway to heaven, the steps up to the bus, to hear rock and roll from the coolest bus driver ever who CRANKED it up.

Katy Perry "One of the Boys". I like this one too. I like her voice at least but it's not my favorite. I don't love the lyrics to this one quite as much, but she communicates. I really just don't like the "Afford me" one. Someone else is going to steal that as a cover and tear the shit up. That's the problem. She's not going to be the one to do it best. Someone will come along and mix it up and make it their song instead.

I like Sugababes "Round Round"...oh, my favorite is this sudden, slow, Alicia Keys break in the middle of the song. But still, listen to Erykah Badu and there's something to aspire to. I like the "don't need no man, I get my kicks for free"...I sort of like but don't love.

Kylie Minogue's "Confide in Me". Her voice, for some reason, in this song, makes me think of The Cure. On one hand, I hear the vibratto and think of Bernadette Peters or someone but...something just slightly, very slightly "Broadway" but The Cure too. I see a huge tulip tree with this song and I have absolutely no idea why. An enormous, old, ancient tree, with tulips budding all over it. I should think of a winding river with the "follow me" idea but I see a tulip tree.

Pussycat Dolls are the only girl group that really rocks me. That has enough songs I'd go to a concert for, or buy a CD for. I don't think they're club music though--I personally can't dance to this. I mean, I don't know...I dance best to music by black artists for some reason. The rhythms are generally what get me on the floor. I do like this song so much though and the voices are beautiful. They remind me of Danity Kane, which also is a group that has some talent and that song, "Damaged" but then I don't know about the rest of their stuff. "I Hate This Part". You know, the words "I hate this part right here" are so boring, but infused with these voices...they just communicate. So not canned. I will have to look up who does their writing and the production.

I kind of like the Ting Tings for a group. This is the first song I've heard by The Saturdays "Chasing Lights". I have to say, they make me think of the Corrs a bit. They sound Irish to me. I like them and then when they break into the chorus, I want someone to jump me. So, that's pretty good for setting the mood. LOL. I like this. It makes me think of people running at breakneck speed, through the greenest hills, running for their lives, for love, and yet it's a break up song but to me, it's a break up so I can run to the one I love song. Makes me think of that movie "The Quiet Man" ..."Oh she's my dear, my darlin' one/her eyes are sparkling, full of other, no other, my pretty Irish girl!"

I think Ashlee Simpson is talented but when I hear "la la" I think, hmmm...I want to buy Kelly Clarkson's CD. She reminds me of Clarkson but Clarkson is better. Not knockin' Simpson because she's at least rocking it a bit. I don't like her though. Sorry...I really don't. I DO like the "french maid at your door" idea...and, well, the whole message of the the sex of it. But I'm really not going to be telling someone "I want to laa laa"--wouldn't unless I were maybe 15 and too shy to say "fuck". This one, at the chorus, makes me think of the whole village of smurfs singing their la la la la la song.

Pink's "God Is a DJ". I like her voice so much and sort of like this song, but..."So What, I'm a Rock Star" is the best one, but she's going to come out bigger I think. She has a Joplin type of voice, but she could do so much more with it. There is more to her, inside, more emotion to break out. I feel like she has some walls up and is afraid to fully kick them down. Even though she sounds tough, there's some kind of breakthrough for her still. Something has been holding her back. I have not read about her at all and I think I will tonight and see if anything speaks to what's going on.

I like Solange's "This Bird" for the lyrics. I'm not a fan of the voice at all, but the songwriting is magical. I like her "it's not over yet" too...very pretty speaking voice. Oh, that's it, right there, that's where I want to cry. When she moves into this other part of the song. I can't even justify wearing sunglasses so I'm thinking of something else instead. She has a gift.

Kerli's "Walking on Air"...just quit playing so I'm waiting for it to reboot or whatever so I can feel this one out. The music quit so until it starts up again I'm looking up Pink.

well, I lost that one. So I don't have it to listen to. I just read about Pink for the first time, on wiki. So it's not the best source ever, but it has some info. I didn't realize how many CDs she'd put out. I guess I'm not the only one who agreed her "So What" was the first one...Well not that it's number one bc public thinks so, but she was letting loose a little. I guess she's had really good success with this last CD, but I STILL think, am convinced, there's more for her. I did read she has asthma. That must totally SUCK as a singer. How in the hell does she do this? that's amazing on its own.

I liked Hillary Duff's "Beat of my Heart." I just missed another song...talking to my ex. Oh, I like this! The Veronica's "Revolution"! Oh I love it. I am probably prejudiced and completely affected by the title though. Bc I'm so about revolution and the idea. So would have to step back and think. No, I think I like this, of it's own merit. I like it. lol. CONEFEEDENCE!

One to dance to...Dragonette "Competition". lol. I love this. It's so naughty but I like it. wink, wink. They're really not bad all. I like them.

Anyway, I'm interested in Pink still. I was going to yahoo news to see if there's any new news about her and what's going on.

I like Dannii Minogue's "You Won't Forget About Me (lounge mix)" but I confess, I don't like her voice. I would prefer this song without any vocals at all. Or something different. I like the guitar work and the melody but the sound of the vocals leaves something to be desired. For me. The production of the vocals sounds tinny and like it's the third layer or something. The guitar is right there, front and center and gorgeous tone, and then you've got the voice sort of hanging on, like a woman to a round circle life floatie.

This is interesting, "Leave Britney Alone" Chris Crocker. I am not sure what to think of it. I think I don't like it. Would be fun to dance to maybe, but I don't know because it's so sad to think about the whole Britney bad news stuff. I can't laugh at it, so I feel it's more dark. Poofs my party mood.

I like Robyn "Konichiwa Bitches". hahahaa. Like the name of the band. I can totally dance to this. Oh yesssss...this is one to dance to. Give me a drink and a dark room. I like this for...whooooo....nasty too. Like it. She mispronounces konichiwa if she's going for the actual Japanese pronounciation. But I like it. LIke the muffled voice after the trunk slams. LOL.

t.A.T.u. from Robyn. All the things you said, running through my head. I have liked this one from the first. Very nice. I can dance to this one too. Very good. I like the voices...very pretty, especially in the higher ranges. Sort of alternative to me.

Lindsay Lohan I'm not a fan of. Not this "Ultimate You". I think Lohan is unbelievably gorgeous but I like her acting better than her singing. I am not sure why Lohan is even selling records. She's a total knock out but I like her acting so much more. she's not bad, I just don't think it's her main thing. She's like me too, in the sense that I used to color my hair all the time when my best color was the redhead, and it's rare. you want to try what you don't have. She has gorgeous hair and should flaunt it. No more blond and brown.

I like Demi Lovato. Think this is the second time I've heard her. "Believe in Me". I don't know why the hell I'd think this, but I thought of Pink when I heard this song, that she doesn't believe in herself the way she should but why would I think that when she has had success? I don't know. She was on Barney???

Infernal's "Ten Miles (radio edit)" is pretty.

I hear these songs and then "SummerBoy" by Lady Gaga. Wow, just one hit after the other. So like her. I like "Still In Love" by Girlicious. lol. Like this. I like the men singing in the beginning too. I am sometimes giving this group second thoughts, and more consideration of their skills. The only part I don't buy, that doesn't communicate well, is the part where she says "damn, damn, damn..." not totally convincing or something. Almost sounds silly to me, the way she says this. I really like the male voices in this. I do love this song.

Like Rihanna's "Sell Me Candy" but thinking of her is a little sobering right now too. I think, in general, I'm having a harder time with the music analysis, because I'm getting this bad/heaviness/sad vibe right now and I can't shake it and there's nothing going on with me really...I think something is going on or I'm picking up on someone else's mood or empathy or there is something. I have that heaviness and sadness vibe. Not really danger, but something else.

The Ting Tings "That's Not My Name" it but it's sort of dark. Probably really good for clubbing but I can't dance to this beat or rhythm.

Ashley Tisdale's "Kiss The Girl"...I like it because I like The Little Mermaid. I love all the songs from that movie. I love Disney cartoon movies. I still like watching them.

Katy Perry's "Ur So Gay" I like a lot. She does a great job on this and this is one I can dance to...YOUR SO GAY AND YOU DON"T EVEN LIKE're so catchy and I can't sit still for this one. lol. I hear this right after reading a headline about Prince Harry leaving a club with pink nail polish on. haaaaa. ;) love it. I think he's hilarious. Oh, I just read the BIG news about Williams "scruffy" shoes too. lol. Harry looks a little bit down in the photos though. I wonder if he's feeling down about something.

I like "Let It Be" by Madonna, but more, I like "Stars Are Blind" by Paris Hilton. She's done well on this. I like it. I don't think I would buy a CD maybe, but she's done a very good job on this, better than Lohan and some of the other songs out there. First time I've heard it.

I really like Kylie Minogue's "Wow". This is one I could dance fun. and hard not to move to.

Mercy on Me. Got to go. Back later.

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