Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Back and Herniated Discs

My back is very bad. It seems to be getting worse rather than better. The last doctor said I HAD to be seen by a specialist before I could work and that I would need cortisone shots and a refill on Percocet.

I made an appointment right away and have it for Wednesday but I can't get in sooner and mabye he thought I could make it in sooner bc he only gave me 8 Percocet. I had to use them and it wasn't nearly enough. If I could have gotten an earlier appointment, I would have. I took the first one available and asked if anything sooner was possible.

My back is absolutely killing me and it radiates to my thighs. It hurts lying down, sitting, or standing. I tried taking the Valium, twice today, more than usual, and it did absolutely nothing.

I think I have to go back to an ER, probably a closer one, and get a small refill until Wednesday, because this is not working. It is not possible for me to be in bed all day, and even in bed I hurt very bad. It started to get bad again yesterday because I was out of Percocet, but now it's dire.

I'm seriously wondering if I should sue for maybe the damages for my back because I haven't been able to work and have accrued medical bills. I wasn't going to, and it would have been fine with me to let it go if it had just healed up but that's not happening.

Now my ex is making a big deal about even taking me to the ER that's only 5 minutes down the road. he's not paying for it and knows i made an appintment for Wednesday so what's his problem? I'm so glad I'm not getting married!

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