Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Bank Account Number for Donations

I think my bank in Washington D.C. is PNC. I'm pretty sure it is, at least. I have to check tonight, on the statement, but I am welcoming any and all donations for the legal costs and fees to fight for getting my son back, on fair grounds.

Basically, I have to file two different kinds of cases. One for the state case, and I am going to try to appeal still, on the basis that I was forced to be pro se when I told the judge I didn't want to be, and was still forced to be pro se when I was medically unable to handle my own legal affairs, because of back injuries and ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage problems. I heard there is a latin term for this kind of motion, for "out of time" and I'm going to try to use it.

The other case I have to file, is one through the federal courts, for violations of federal laws, basically, refusal to follow rules regarding civil procedure and my civil and constitional rights.

I will make a list of my costs and fees.

I had to use PNC, I believe, because out here, in this location, there is not a Well's Fargo. There's some slight affiliation, I believe, between PNC and Well's Fargo but they're separate.

Some of my costs and fees:

State Appeal for Dependency
$200 or less for filing pro nunc tu? "out of time" motion and/or habeous corpus.
$400-600 for service to all parties concerned
$1,500 for independent psych eval in D.C. area
$1,000 for airfare to D.C. and back to Wenatchee (twice probably) to finish evals and clear Hyattsville court thing on appeal
$mabye nothing for the completion of the epilepsy eval (currently at beginning phase of diagnostics, already went through PCP and neurologist and had intake by the guy and now have to do actual diagnostics)
$1,300 for MRI of pelvis/stomach. I need a better MRI of the pelvis, with contrast, to show what happened in childbirth, to prove the severity of my claims. I already have a good MRI of my spine, and just need a better one of the pelvis.
$500 for filing costs, fees, and incidentals
$300 for obtaining medical records which I don't have and for postage and gas to pick them up.

I think there may be more, but that's the start of things, if I do it myself. If I pay a lawyer, I've been told it will be about $20,000 at the very least, and that a $5,000 retainer would be minimum.

Costs for Federal Case for Violation of Civil Rights:
Probably about $20,000 at least, again, for the whole thing, though maybe less, if I don't have to replicate some things like diagnostics or if diagnostics are not needed. However, I think federal cases cost more, the filing fees are usually more.

$200 at least, for filing fee to get case started.
$500 possibly, for copy costs
$600 I guess I need my own copier/fax for making some of my own copies, aside from possbily paying for copy costs for records from court, from clinics, or other people.

I think it's more to file in federal court, and I may be responsible for the cost of travel for the defendants if they have to show up, and for some of the jury costs--I don't know right now, but could run maybe
$2,000-5,000 (hopefully LESS)
$400-600 service of papers costs
$200-300 for other filing fees or costs (I think it's mainly the first filing fee, but there could be costs for specific other filing costs)
$3,000 for legal software and programs for case finding and shephardizing, and for the program that has forms for motions and numbers the pages and everything
$200 for office supply crap (ink cartridges and paper if I do it myself and have copy machine)
$gas and travel costs for driving between Wenatchee and D.C. (I may keep a D.C. address and license so I'm considered to be a D.C./maryland resident--also, that allows me to drive without forking money over to Washington state for a WA license when I got screwed by being profiled by HOW MANY chelan-douglas county officers who pulled me over for violations I didn't even commit, in order to search my car and glovebox about 5 times. Also, I will or should be able to say I lived in Maryland more than part of the year, so I don't have to switch to a WA license). For this, maybe $400 or so? probably modest considering the distance between Wenatchee and Spokane (where I would most likely file my federal case) is about 2 hours or so.

I forgot, if I'm paying evidence costs, for things like transcripts and CDs--I think most of it could go under copy costs, but if I'm charged $25 for each CD of a state hearing where rules were violated on record, for example, that will add up fast, so I would tack on another $400 for copy costs, to obtain evidence, but this could be used for maybe the state AND federal case.

These are costs that come to mind right now. Maybe I would throw in another $10,000 for character witnesses to testify on my behalf and their expenses, if I were able to go all the way and do it right, and for testimony of medical persons and science/computer experts who could verify what I said happened, is possible, and may be more than likely. Yeah, that would be good for either state or federal case.
$10,000 to add for testimony costs for state AND federal case. I would probably get my expert testimony from people on the East Coast, and then Andy Panda, who lives in Wenatchee...I would supeaona him to testify about our conversations when I was there and trying to find out what was going on with my computers and all the hacking

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