Sunday, March 22, 2009

dream about the queen of england and one prince wales

I had a dream just now, which I was woken from by my ex.

It is 6:40 p.m. and I was in the middle of a dream which I largely forgot, except for this part...

I was walking through different houses and we were cleaning and then we were in some other building and the Queen of England and Will of Wales was there. Will W. was there in normal clothing as part of a group and following after me, watching me out of the corner of his eye. Then I saw his girlfriend, Kate and she was watching me and then talking to me normally. Then the Queen came in and I said, in my dream to her, "you look so normal." She was younger in my dream, with dark hair and a small print midnight blue dress with maybe white on it in small print handbag and shoes and she said yes and asked me a couple of questions, but would get distracted by other things that caught her attention, but she wasn't rude. Then, I noticed Will had disappeared and I figured outside, for fresh air. When I looked, though, I saw he was in a room with a bunch of children. And he was a child all of a sudden, a boy of about 10 with light brown/blond hair in almost a bowl cut and he went from lying on his stomach or sitting to talk to a small child, as an adult, to a boy himself. Then I saw the Queen and while everyone had forgotten about the children and were on their way to other parts of the building, these two had stayed behind to speak with the kids. The Queen was sitting next to a child and then she stood up and criticized the main workers for not making sure the kids were eating enough. There were boxes, like cereal boxes, of food, but she didn't feel the needs of the children were being tended to, even though the food was there for every child. So she held the box up and said to prepare food and make sure they were fed.

They were in a very large room with different things for kids on the floor, to lounge on or be involved with, sort of like a school or something. I left the room and then the Queen came after a little while later, talking to me but not in a stalking way. I mean, sort of preoccupied in her thoughts and looking after business, but asking me questions too. Curious I guess. Then Kate was there and then not there.

The next thing is that there was a car crash. I was in the car. I don't remember how it crashed but it did, and then...oh now I remember. I was on slick ice and snow or something. I think it was black ice. I went off the road to the right, and the car was sticking out in the lane and I was worried someone else was going to run into me. I got out of the car somehow and looked back and saw that I was in a kind of tunnel and on the ground I tried to straighten the road or something, because it was a mess, but when I did, I realized it was plank board. As soon as I pulled on a board to fix it and make sure someone didn't drive sideways, I saw there was nothing underneath the plank board. It was like that thin wood used for siding on a floor before the carpet. So a piece of it came to the side and it was just a hole in the road. So then I pulled the boards back over the hole so the next car could drive on the road and no one be hurt. My car was out of the way and the next car came into the tunnel, a dark car. It didn't have a good or bad meaning.

The next thing I knew, I was standing over a machine that made paint. Something went into the mixer and I opened the door, and it was can after can after can of red paint mixed with white paint, and it was sort of blending and spilling to the sides of the cans and the cans were all without lids.

A group of older men suddenly stood there, looking at the paint and at me, and then I awoke to the sound of celtic music and my ex, with his hand on my shoulder, saying, "Cam."

I woke up to "Cam" and heard this angel music and thought, in the real world, not dreamworld, "what the hell?" and then reached over to see if the music on my cmoputer was on. It wasn't. So then I kept hearing this angelic choir music with a classical background repeating and realized it was the preview music to the film "Milk". OUr roommmate must have forgotten to turn it off and it was just replaying the same part of a song, where you have to choose to go forward in the movie and select an option or not.

I asked my ex what was wrong, and he said nothing. But he woke up to wake me. Then I laid there and remembered my dream and I asked my ex if I'd been talking in my sleep. He said no.

That was it. I didn't see Harry in this dream but I was still dreaming when I was woken up so maybe I would have.

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