Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Meyers Briggs Results for Ex & Me

It was just the sample free test, but I'm still an ENTP. I thought I might actually be more of an ENTJ after living with A.

I made him take the test today and he's an ENFP. I think it's the FP combo that drove me nuts. I don't know though, it's not a full scale test. And I found myself vacillating on questions for J or P preferences a lot more.

He was ENFP with rates of 44 (E), 38 (N), F (25) and P (44). We tied on P (44) and there is NO WAY because he vacillates WAY more than I do. I think. Also, I was much, much, lower on my Thinking than usual. Normally, I'm much higher on the thinking side but I guess I'm stressed and so more emotional right now? Or, I THINK, GOD DAMN IT! I FELL IN FUCKING LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME and now I'm screwed up for good. I hope there is a chance for me to go back to rationalism and thinking. I turned into a fucking romantic, against my own will. Alvaro said, "No, you're not a romantic and then he said...maybe a little bit."

So I was ENTP with rates of 33(E), 88 (N), 1 (T), and 44 (P). I'm less of a perceiver though, I think, and my thinking went down in strength, and my intuitive side is a little lower too. But he looked at the 88 and said "What?!" I said, "yeah, usually it's higher, like around 95 or something. Or 100%. Mabye that's my problem in life. I'm an unbalanced intuitive."

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