Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Police & Doctors

First I get police and law enforcement guys who want to date me and arrest me at the same time.

I never know, anymore, if a cop is checking out my ass or looking to see whether I am carrying a gun.

Now I've got doctors too. Suddenly, I'm told I'm a nutcase and who starts DATING ME? The fuckers who diagnose the nutcases. Who, basically, can't decide whether they want to diagnose me or kiss me.

I saw medical people come into the cafe today. First this nurse type who just glares me. Then a doctor who sat next to me and I'm thinking, is this Mr. Penn.? I know it is best for me to do one thing--keep my mouth shut!

This woman came into the cafe today, really darling and colorful, and she's pregnant and wearing this bold leopard print dress with the exact same pattern on a dress I had when I was in high school. She and I look a little bit alike. She has bleached blond hair. I saw her and wondered if I DO have a sibling on the East Coast.

I like Mary Chapin Carpenter's "Sometimes You're The Bug"

Anyway, I'd like to meet or talk to my new friend sometime, knowing who he is.

I hear a song like "Dying Breed" and all of a sudden I start thinking "what if Chris is the one who is dying? is he dying?" and all of a sudden, I am ready to throw out my complaints and just have his fucking baby so he can carry on his family name. I am such an idiot. Far too sympathetic I think.

"Song for a Young Queen" by Chris Thile is really pretty and keeps my foot swinging.

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