Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Psych Man

An acquaintance I'm staying with temporarily told me he used to work in a psychiatric hospital. He said my situations of almost borderline "homelessness" fits the "profile" of someone with depression or bipolar disorder.

I told him no, I've had no such disorder and have no such mental issues and that MY problems of "borderline homelessness" have to do with PHYSICAL problems and financial insecurity that goes along with physical problems. I told him I had the MRIs to prove it and he could take a look for himself at the timeline of what injuries occured when and how they would affect my ability to work.

This guy approached me himself, while I was at the cafe I frequent.

I'm a little concerned about the whole "psych ward" bit because I really don't think that's the best type of person to be hanging out with when he doesn't know me well enough to know my story and what's going on with me.

I've DATED fucking psychiatrists and they concur there is nothing wrong with me.

It's not MY fault I end up with people who end up trying to pull scams and cause problems. I do not intend to stay with this acquaintance long at all. I think there is something slightly "off" about my meeting him. I don't know, just a hunch.

He sat down and asked me 20 questions, and when I asked what denomination of church he's currently pastoring for, he wouldn't tell me.

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