Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Scammed Again

So this other guy just scammed me.

He said he could help me with a loan and yesterday said he worked for construction. Today, he said his family owned the construction company. I said I wanted a loan because that would be straight-up and I'd pay it back. He said okay, and I said I needed at least $20,000 and he says, "I can get $5,000 a day." I said, "How can you get $5,000 a day?" and he said he just could.

So then, I'm not judging the book by its cover, but the covers are pretty shitty. Let me just say.

So this guy who is in construction, is fit. He is not just fit as in construction fit, but he's obviously doing some kind of work out because I saw his calves. You don't get calves like that from doing simple construction. I know my anatomical shit. He's standing there, practicing his golf swing in the mirror and then says his buddies have stranded him and are out playing golf, and then this guy just takes off, telling me he has to charge his phone and to meet him at the Starbucks.

He asked me if I wanted to go with him and I said okay, but what to do about all my suitcases and I'd have to tell the room people to give me more time, so then he says to meet him and he just disappears.

I'm thinking to myself, hmmm...I don't know about this, so I called another guy who wanted to do music with me and I'm figuring something else out.

That one guy though, was with a couple of other guys and if I had to make a guess, I'd say he was straight up police but from New York. He kept saying he was from Maryland, but there's no fucking way and I said you don't get an accent like that from Maryland. Then I pegged his buddy as being from the NW and they stared at eachother like how did she get that one right. Because he had zero accent, and talked like me.

Maybe this other guy's people told him, "Hey, she's writing about you already and uncovering your cover" I don't know.

But someone who doesn't need to lie, wouldn't lie about an accent, and have a body that's obviously doing work outs (I only saw his back and calves), and be questioning me about a ton of stuff in a cop voice, checking out the window every so often for "the Colombians" supposedly. I thought too, he could just be a gansta type but I don't think so.

So he kept asking me what his name was and testing my memory. No normal person would test my memory skills. He asked me what his name was again, and a bunch of shit.

It was fucking Lawrence Joseph, supposedly, but I didn't see any ID. He was decent and didn't do anything weird, besides sort of promise me a loan. His friends were kind of gross, I have to say, when they were drunk. Like, well, I won't go into it. The play-acting motion stuff they did was kind of gross and one made a weird comment to me too.

Oh, I am so right. I just checked the coffee I brought him and he didn't take even one sip. He didn't want to drink from something I brought to him that could be "tampered" with is my guess. however, he readily drank a sealed bottle of orange juice.

Well, he was a fucking cop or FBI or something. Something else was going down and my guess would be someone just wanted more info on me to try to use against me.

Whatever. The FBI is already in a mess of shit from the things they've pulled and they want to screw with me and get a file going against me to protect their own people.

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