Monday, March 30, 2009

Scammed (true continuation of the story of my life)

I have had to be careful what I write about. Now, at least, I'm in a hotel room and I can actually be open and honest about some bad things that have been happening.

I have not been safe in the U.S. and I am no safer now. In fact, all I have is further evidence of people in the U.S. trying to entrap me and set me up, and use others to do this.

I wrote, in some of my posts, that not everything I write is true, but basically, what I was writing about the Colombian and other scenarios WAS true. And my so-called fiance was trying to set me up and did this with his friends, deliberately, from the start.

And then dumped me off when I wouldn't follow through, telling me if I could make it without him, go ahead and try. He and his friends basically strung me along, noting the dates they thought were cut offs for my getting my son back, basically held me hostage in their house, and tricked me. Not only that, they tried to set me up and put me in jail, and on this day, actually LIED to me at the end, as my fiance still had his Ipod out to record or transmit everything I was saying.

He lied, saying out loud, that I'd never been his girlfriend.

Right. I was never his girlfriend but I was sleeping in his bed, having sex with him, and I was faithful to him despite not knowing what was going on all the time. Now I know, now, why he first had sex with me and then said he 'couldn't' anymore until I was married to him and then we would all the time.

Tonight, he was trying to say we never had sex and that I wasn't his girlfriend. I was the one bringing that up. So he was with me, and then trying to scam me and set me up, taking me to the courthouse and trying to get me to marry him in exchange for a little money for help for my legal situation with my son. But for me, I was WITH him, and it wasn't just some kind of financial arrangement and I cared about him, and I was "loyal" to him.

Meantime, he was lying the entire time. I was approached and sought out, and brought into this circle and scammed. And I didn't know what was going on. I DID notice that my fiance had been the only one to know where I was going the day I went to Hyattsville for my court matter and Pete Garrity met me and tried to pull a new sting on me. The original one wasn't "clean" enough, I guess, so they tried to get me to go for something that was strictly paper marriage. They didn't like the fact I'd had sex with Exxon before I was asked to marry him.

THEN, he was having sex with me all the time, and I guess HENRY wanted to drag him away from me so they could set up a sting against me again. So Henry introduced him to other women and began dragging him out of the house early in the morning before I was awake, and at night. I guess, now that I heard what my ex-fiance was saying, that I wasn't his "girlfriend", that this is the angle they were going for. Trying to take it back to make it appear like I WAS NOT his girlfriend, and get him out there having sex with everyone else and then try to spin me to appear as though I had no personal interest in him at all and was only marrying him for money in return for his getting an immigration pass or green card. When he was playing whatever he was playing today, he said I wasn't his girlfriend and I said, what was he talking about? and reminded him I'd only had sex with him and was loyal to him. He said, "you didn't kiss me and we weren't having sex". We weren't having sex because they were pulling a fucking scam to get me IN their casa and game and then try to claim there was no actual relationship later. The only part that's true, is that I wouldn't kiss him on the lips. I didn't feel like it, and there's nothing wrong with that. He TRIED, several times, to kiss me anyway even though I told him what my boundaries were. Everyone has different boundaries, and I told him what mine was. So he tries to make it a big deal for his little sting in the end, by turning it around on me. So, I fucking kissed him today. I kissed him and french kissed him, and said goodbye and now I'm writing about what a disaster he is and how I was scammed. He left, saying to call him if I wanted something with him still and that he'd still marry me. Right.

But it's even worse, because I noticed they were purposefully trying to string me along past dates for getting my son back. I was asked to "imagine life without" my son and I would start crying and it was like some kind of sadistic thing because then all kinds of things were done to distract me or prevent me from doing what I needed to do to help the situation with my son.

Then, I'm telling Exxon I'm going to the courthouse to fix that situation and he wants to know where I'm going first and next, and the federal guy was there. Trying to pull me into a DIFFERENT sting. When I wouldn't go for that, they fucking tried to USE me with their original plan, by then making all these promises and stringing me along but meanwhile Exxon's out there with other women and I guess, hoping to get paid off for making me appear as though I was never even his girlfriend. When I blew up and confronted him about his scam, I said, "Those latinas you've been with, you think YOU'RE the only one PLAYING me or playing games? you think you're some kind of honeypot? did you ever think that one of them could be fucking USING you to get information out of you to pull you into a sting?" I told him he had made one of the biggest mistakes of his life, first by discarding me and screwing with me. I reminded him: "I'm not going to jail honey." So I told him on one hand, he was lucky to be rid of me, but on the other hand, he was never going to find anyone else who was faithful like me, smart, and decent looking, and good luck finding a woman who was going to have as much respect and self-respect as me. I reminded him that I had been loyal to him, and considering the situation, that was rare, and he wasn't going to find someone like me and he fucked up and would never forget me.

I was his fucking girlfriend, but two things happened today that showed me what kind of scam he was pulling. Number one, he tried to take me to the courthouse after giving me some money he'd promised for helping my son in the legal situation, but it wasn't like he was giving me money and just helping me, and I confirmed this when later he tried to get me to still marry him, but made a point of having others listen in when he said I was never his girlfriend.

What he did was basically illegal in and of itself. He and his friends, lured me into their fucking house, promised me a bunch of crap, and then backed out on everything, held me practically hostage, and then tried to turn it around on me and screw me. It was fraud, and HE tried to make ME look like I was the one doing something wrong.

This was after I was basically propositioned to be a fucking spy and I refused. I guess they didn't know how to get rid of me then, so they tried to have me sent to fucking jail.

SO, all this time, he's telling ME I'm his girlfriend and fiance, and yet down to the line, he's making a different point into the cell phone for his buddies and law enforcement.

It wasn't even entrapment. They fucking purposefully screwed me and tried to fuck me over with my situation with my SON.

So he's telling me today, when we're going to the courthouse, that it NOW or NEVER and if I don't go through with signing marriage application papers, he's "finished". He just wanted me to go when everything was set up the way he or they wanted it to be set up. I said, why does it have to be now or never? and he was so insistent, that I realized the whole thing was a set up and an attempt at a sting.

Also, he first tried to get me to do this on Friday the 13th which he thought was really funny. I wouldn't and then he was showing me this paper from immigration, claiming he had to comply with their order to be out of the country because his visa was expired. But someone else was telling me he was here on a diplomatic visa so why would he be in a hurry to marry anyone to stay in the U.S. (he told me he DID want a green card) when he could stay as long as he wanted with a diplomatic visa. So then too, I noticed the timeline was expiring but he was suddenly no longer acting nervous and upset and wanting me to marry him so fast. He was settled in here and something else had been "worked out" for him.

As for all that stuff I was writing about, about Valentines Day and his girlfriend, that was all true even though I denied it later in my blog to preserve what I thought might be working out in the end. It wasn't working out. They had their agenda's out from the start and wanted to string me along until I had zero money and zero time, and no one to go to. They were always checking on whether I had other support from people, or other friends, or any family support. And then used what they knew about my situation against me.

So I screamed at him when he was insistent on marrying me THIS day, about setting me up or trying to because this is what Pete Garrity was trying to do in Hyattsville. And then Exxon was STILL trying to lie to me! and set me up, telling me he still wanted to get married and that he WAS interested in helping my son. I said, how interested are you in helping me with my son if you're only giving me money for my legal situation if I MARRY you but you're telling me to give it back if I DON'T?! I said too, when I asked him if he ever had even liked me, he said he DID and that he had liked me a lot and did too, but didn't want to give his heart away to me when he thought I wasn't interested. I told him, "If you like me so much, why were you wanting to stay in Maryland instead of going to Wenatchee with me like I wanted and said was in my son's best interest?" I said, "If you like someone, or love them, you want to be with them, and I was asking you to come with me."

He said, "true." True. Yeah, fuck right true. So much for how much he claimed to have "liked" me and was true to me. He was telling me he was just getting up early to go to work.

I had thought at first, I wasn't that interested, but I was starting to like him, genuinely, and he FUCKED that up by trying to set me up and lying to me more than once. And not only that, it was really, really, underhanded, because he and his friends were trying to trap me and hold me down like some kind of hostage, with nothing. NO money and not in a very good condition to work either.

He was asking me, at night, at times, if I thought I could ever fall in love with him deeply in the future, but then on his fucking telephone time, he's muttering how I was never his girlfriend and he's telling me he wants to help with my son but he was fucking with that situation from the beginning.

I didn't know for sure though. But after the third time of trying to drag me past deadlines I told him I had for getting my son back and complying with some things and BEING in Wenatchee to avoid filing of termination of parental rights, I began to clue in.

SO he acts like he's happy maybe I have feelings for him, tonight, but then this doesn't dismiss how his word was never his word to begin with. They promised so many things and he rarely came through. Then, I thought he was being protective of me so I tried to trust him. But he certaintly fucked THAT up. I was starting to trust him and I wanted him to go with me to Wenatchee because I felt more protected and that I would have a witness and someone to help me with things. I also wanted financial help but I was loyal to him and I did like him and I never left him for these other sketchy offers. I thought maybe he was ON MY SIDE and that our relationship could grow.

On top of everything else, I've been getting more oddballs coming at me via the Catholic church. First, I get a warning to "back down" from the catholic church, by the same guy who works for the federal govt. and gave me this laptop. He told me to drop things and I told him I wasn't involved in anything against that church and I'd dropped the lawsuits long ago. He said, "Even the United States government can't fight the Catholic church." I didn't know whether this was a sad admission, or whether to take it as a strong warning.

Which, by the way, is networked and I cannot "unnetwork" it and I just had a computer guy take a look at it today and he said yes, it was networked and the button was on fade out so he couldn't fix it. He said it was unusual but believe me, that kind of shit was happening a lot in E.Wenatchee and wasn't unusual at all. It was worse. With THIS laptop I've seen time and date changes, without my changing anything, and I have the networking thing without my ability to fix it, and then I also had a couple things happen on the computer with letters being added again. At least this other computer guy said he noticed the networking thing and he said it was odd. He's from China and knows a thing or two about computers.

On top of that, he said it was NOT normal to hear the kind of message I get when I turn this laptop on. It starts up with the message that my computer is being assisted with "artificial intelligence" and it's all sci-fi and weird like alien or artificial intel stuff and everyone whose heard it says it's weird. On top of that, when I first met the Colombians, the first woman was teling me to buy and wear this perfume called "Alien". That's not all. Exxon had my photo on his phone with a weird sci-fi psycho music going along with it. When I saw this, I said, "Why did you put that music to my photo" and he tried to say he just did it as a joke and thought it was funny. Then, Henry was bringing up "radiation" when I was at the hospital. I guess anyone could tell me whether or not Exxon was sleeping around but I already know and I saw these different women. Including some woman today when we were driving, with the license plates "JASMINE".

TODAY, I was sitting at the cafe, waiting for Exxon and I notice this guy sitting next to me, with all these fucking "props" on the table around him, and pointed towards me. He took the table after I got MY table, and he's put all these "English" and "King of England" type of things or something. Obviously, the fucker had been reading my blog and wanted me to think this was some kind of "sign". This guy had a WATCH sitting on the table, facing me. I've been writing about all these "time is ticking" songs and things I've seen lately, and he's got a watch out with a large face to it. Then, right next to it, a fat book with the title "All The King's Men" on it and the cover is RED & WHITE. On top of THAT, this guy is reading some other book and has a sweatshirt on with "Oxford" university logo on it. I thought it was a LITTLE bit peculiar. He WANTED me to fucking notice. So I asked what he was reading and he tells me it's Canon law, on "marriage" and that he's studying to be a priest. I asked if he English and he said no but he spent some time at Oxford. He just so happens to choose to sit next to me, and has all these props out for me to notice and then he was telling me I should study up about celibacy and he's studying marriage right there, out of canon law. I was amiable and thought it might be interesting to talk to him but then I thought, no, he was so defensive and accusatory and then what's the deal with all the English symbols on the fucking table, or things that I would notice, and have written about in my blog lately?

So no, I have no "back up" plan. It was basically either "goodbye" and be left at a hotel, paid for with ONE night, or go back with Exxon and marry him. Because, as he said, what was I going to do without him? and now, these people know I have NO time for getting my son back or making other plans to file for things I need to file for, and all this time I WAS going to marry him and thought I DID and WOULD have help financially, and other support, for my son. I wasn't doing anything just for the money, I was thinking about my son's best interests, and yet he's willing to dump me with nothing, and tell me at the same time, that he cares about my son.

I have no one else to turn to or to go to and they know this. I've got fucking Pete Garrity trying to pull a STING on me, in concert with Exxon's help, obvious to me now, and then calling me up with a place in Pennsylvania "no strings attached". Then it's either marry Exxon or be dumped with absolutely zero money and a lot of luggage and NO time for anything and no one has contributed anything to my account that I put online to see if anyone would want to donate to.

These people were fucking working WITH the U.S. government and are USERS and when I wouldn't go along to be used as a fucking SPY for, probably, the U.S. and Colombia, they just want to fucking put me in jail or find some other convenient way to dispose of me.

It's sick. My back is NOT okay either and I still need something done about that. It was like I had room and board, but I was being pressured the whole time to go along with what they wanted, and strung along with a lot of promises for different things that never came through.

They fully know, as does the U.S., that I have no other support. I noticed, these people came along when I was starting to write my report about the FBI for the OIG and planning to find someone to help me sue the State and maybe FBI for obstruction of justice and other shit.

I was approached, at my workplace, and told I could stay with one of the guys, who was Exxon, until I was on my feet with my work sitution and back injury, and could stay in a spare room until this worked out. But that's not what happened, and I was scammed ever after that. I also don't just hop around from one man to the other, but that's what they were trying to get me to do, by setting me to go with some other guy through Pete Garrity, and that's why Exxon looked guilty, shocked, and sad, when I told him I'd turned DOWN the offer. I told him, "I was loyal to YOU."

Some payback.

I am never going to get anywhere in the U.S. I still have people, law enforcement, in the U.S., trying to set me up and then telling me to take up "state services and programs" knowing I've already been screwed by this so-called "system". I have zero support and help from the U.S. and then I have people from other countries setting me up as well and hoping to string things along.

If someone is genuine about trying to help me, they don't put up barriers or try to lock me in a cage. They don't lie to me, and pressure me with things. And how am I supposed to believe someone when they say one minute they care about me and the next they don't want to go to Wenatchee or that they like me and the next minute that I was never their girlfriend??? what was I then? because I don't just fuck around with people.

I was beginning to trust him and I was starting to like him too, more than before, and yet when someone dumps you with conditions, it's a little strange.

I am completely alone and I have no one to trust, at all. And the people who will eat this up, are those with the state who know I'm out of time and who have been lying about me and breaking laws from the start.

At first I thought maybe I was just being pressured because Exxon actually really cared about me. But it seems like no, that's not it. The only thing that could save this, if there is anything to save or salvage at all, is if someone just came out with the truth about everything. If I'm wrong about something, or about my perspective, no one has tried to clear this up for me. I actually didn't like the idea of leaving when I thought about leaving before, and I liked sharing the bed and being close and I missed him, I noticed. Especially after I realized whatever it was with Chris was totally not normal or plausible. He had been growing on me, before that, and I was having fun with him in general and thought maybe things would be different, even with me and my situation. But it seems very odd right now. I don't like the whole money tease thing.

He's a lefty. Figured that out for sure today. He said he was a righty but I found out, for certain, he's not. Maybe ambidextrous, but more skilled with the left hand and finally switching over to what was natural.

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