Sunday, March 22, 2009


having a BBQ today and A. wanted me to wear these Bebe shoes, stack peep-toe 40s style pumps. So I'm wearing them with my tight jeans and pink t-shirt with small rhinestones. Just a simple albercrombie fitch shirt. Fixing my hair again. lol. a lot of people are coming over and i have to go until later.

It is 6:30 p.m. and the BBQ is still going on but I needed to take a break and lie down. My back is getting better...the pain relief is much better, but I needed to lie down a bit and, also, it's hard after awhile to try to understand everything in Spanish and everything is in Spanish. But it's fun and was a good BBQ.

I am feeling restless though, too, like I can't concentrate on anything. I looked up and this evening, saw a white plane crossing overhead and a black hawk was crossing over this, diagonally. It made a little cross of sorts and I was just sitting, and listening to the music. I liked the food a lot. It was more Mexican than Colombian and I love all of it but I prefer the salsa and everything of Mexican food a little more. I like spicy stuff.

I am thinking about calling someone that I talked to recently, who has seen my father and commented on how I look like him. Anyway, old friend. Had, maybe, some ideas for legal stuff but then I got concerned bc he knows a Dr. as well and it was sort of coming off, in some ways, like maybe a psych eval. or something. A good and needed conversation but I wondered a little bit. I think I'm going to meet up with him pretty soon, when he's free.

I was thinking about the dream I had last night and about being woken up when I was woken up. To that music. I remember feeling a vibe that something was really wrong. Like a major world thing had happened and I was afraid for a moment, like an explosion or a big thing was about to happen and then happened. But I don't know if something happened or not and I just heard this music which made it beautiful and ethereal and then scary at the same time. It was very, very, odd. And on the heels of my Diana dream. It was just very other-worldly.

the music tonight is some of the best i've heard in a long time.

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