Monday, March 16, 2009

Torture of Germans in 1945,+head+beat+against+wall&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

I was searching for crimes or any kind of new abuse, just out of curiosity, and I don't think, at ALL, that THIS is what I was seeing, but at any rate, in my search for information, I stumbled across this site about Germans who were tortured, horribly, during or after WWII, even if they were not Nazis. It was just ethnic hatred, and I cannot believe what they did to these people. It was every bit as bad, or worse, than Nazi camps. It happened in Czechoslovakia.

Not to compare. That's a digusting thing, to compare tortures.

In my opinion, though, anyone who derives satisfaction from torturing anyone, to any degree, should be simply shot and executed. Humanely, and not in front of family members, but people who torture others are not right in the head and they should be shot.

I am not for the death penalty in the normal U.S. system because too many innocent people have been exonnerated. But, for those, Americans too, or ANYONE who does this to others, and it is proven, they should be shot.

There is no justification, no "war" or time of war is justification for any of it. It's one thing to exchange fire for fire in a battle, and it's another thing to torture people.

It's sick. I have to read something else now because I feel horrible. But, like I said, I knkow what I've just read has nothing to do with what I saw. I just happened upon this and thought it was interesting we never hear about torture and concentration camps against Germans, just because they're German, and not even because they did anything wrong.

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