Wednesday, March 4, 2009

U.S. Department of Justice Denies Jurisdiction

I got a response to my ADA complaint, which is below my comments here:

The same U.S. Department of Justice which told the Portland FBI to investigate the crimes of their employees, Bujanda and Garza, tells me now that they do not have "jurisdiction" for investigating my complaint regarding Washington State and Oregon State employees.

My complaint, which I posted online, was not just regarding city employees. It was regarding FEDERAL violations of law BY yes, state and other employees. These employees were mainly government workers. This response from the Department of Justice, which houses The Americans with Disabilities Act organization, has based their decision not on the type of laws which have been violated, which are FEDERAL laws for which the Dept. of Justice has jurisdiction, but instead chooses to try to circumvent getting involved by claiming the positions of the employees overrides what type of law has been diregarded.

I have already looked up cases the ADA has taken, and they have historically taken cases which involve state and other government employees, IF FEDERAL LAWS have been violated.

I WONDERED, myself, how seriously I would be taken by the ADA when I realized they are a part of the Department of Justice. Because I was told the Department of Justice didn't want to get involved in the FBI matter, when it was inappropriate for the Dept. of Justice to tell the FBI that they could and should police their own people, when there are conflicts of interest and liability issues besides.

This is one more strike against the U.S. in showing they are able to accept responsibility for violations of law by government employees. It is one more proof that I have sought recourse and remedy through the U.S. and through the appropriate departments, and they refuse to be accountable. It shows the U.S. would rather harbor those who have done harm to me, and most likely others as well, and push it back to the same employees who did the harm in the first place, now telling the state employees, and federal employees, to govern themselves. The Department of Justice proves, by this response, that they will pick and choose whom to defend, and leave the rest without recourse.

RE: Washington State Employees‏
From: ComplaintAdmin, ADA (CRT) (
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Sent: Wed 3/04/09 4:18 AM

March 4, 2009

Cameo Garrett

RE: Washington State Employees

Dear Ms. Garrett:

The Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights received your correspondence dated 12/11/08.

This Section enforces titles I, II, and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Title I protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) handles most employment-related complaints. Title II protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination in all of the services, programs, and activities of state and local government entities. Title III protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination by most privately owned businesses that offer goods and services to the public.

The issue you present, however, is a matter over which a local government entity has jurisdiction. Thus, the circumstances described in your complaint do not raise an issue that we are able to address. You may wish to contact the appropriate city office that would have the authority to handle the matter you have described.

If you have questions about titles II or III of the ADA, you may call the Department of Justice's ADA information line at 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-800-514-0383 (TDD). If you have questions about title I, you may call the EEOC at 1-800-669-4000 (voice) or 1-800-669-6820 (TDD).

We regret that we are unable to assist you further.


Cee Cee Allaway

Director Complaint

Intake & Adjudication

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