Saturday, March 28, 2009

What Is GOING On & Muslim Mosque & A Whole New World

I am getting very concerned. No, I'm serious, and I told Exxon today, that I was extremely worried.

People were driving back and forth, by Panera, all DAY today and I was wondering WHAT THE HELL is going on. I don't know if it was good or bad but THEN, on top of everything, I then left Panera and a couple of cars with people inside who were totally mocking me, drove by very slowly. I am getting freaked out because I feel I'm being stalked again.

There are normal, friendly people, and then there are scary and obnoxious stalkers. Not only that, I'm wondering WHO is in charge of because the MUSIC stuff has NOT been normal and I feel it's been manipulative, which sounds weird but it's NOT weird. I have to explain better so a reader understands what I'm saying.

On top of all of this, today I open up my browser and what does it go to? A Muslim MOSQUE. No big deal. I know it's not the Muslims, believe me, who are playing death songs to me all day, on a station that has nothing to do with death.

So this is a beautiful mosque, in a gorgeous, gorgeous, location but I don't know where it is exactly, and the thing is, I didn't program my browser to bring up this photo.

I don't know where this location is, and then I show Exxon and he acts like it's no big deal at all! He says, "Oh, it changes, they change the pictures." No, it does NOT happen like that. The thing is, I pull up my browser for windows, and it comes up BLANK because I don't HAVE any photos or whatever. But tonight I pulled it up, and it's this photo, which I don't have a BAD feeling about by any means, but the fact that it came up makes me wonder.

Not only that, the thing I'm talking about with the station. I looked them UP, online, on wiki, because I thought this was someone from UK who was doing some of the stuff that was happening on the radio stations and this is NOT delusion for anyone from the state or others who think it might BE.

So, what was happening, is I was on the Alison Krause station, which I've been on before, and it just started playing song after song after song about DEATH. I've been on that station before and it's not all about death. It's an uplifting and contemplative station. But after I wrote something about how I would be WORRIED if Chris Dabney were dying, or whatever, I got song after song after song, about DYING and DEATH. It wasn't a special program. It was over three hours of this death music. It was like 4 hours of it and I kept it on, wondering how many songs there actually WERE about dying, and then of course, the hospice people were sitting right next to me, and they came in after the death music was playing. Then they came by again, and sat next to me, and then the guy with the baseball tumor goes by, after MORE death music comes on, for a second day.

The one day, it was about 4 hours straight and then it happened again.

Then, no matter what station I go to, from, besides the weird death song stuff, I was getting music which was playing like a fucking duel between two guys. I am not kidding. OH, and before I forget, when I heard all the death music, I got up because it was so weird I knew there was no way it wasn't a message to call someone, so I called everyone and no one was dying or injured and then I got a ride from someone to a different location and there are these huge brand new BMW and Mercedes Benz SUVs that were following us, and the guys inside are staring at me and totally cracking up laughing. I didn't get a good look at the one guy but I saw the other one and the other one was Italian for sure and he was about dying laughing, and here I was, running around, wondering who was fucking dying. It wasn't funny and it wasn't a cool practical joke. It was manipulative and mean. And WHY would someone do that? who obviously has power and money? I have no idea but I got this FUCKING COMPUTER from the U.S. government. I'm calling fucking STEVE to the stand for my child custody case. They can see what I write and have it networked, and it has all the fucking boxes checked for being networked even though Steve tried to tell me it wasn't, I could see the boxes myself.

So first I'm thinking I have some secret admirer from the UK and thinking, if this guy can bring different songs to me that have personal meaning AND are interruptions in the normal program, or go out of the genre to send me something, he must be important.

THEN I get the DEATH music days. And it wasn't just one day, it happened again a different day. After I said something about death or how I'd be worried if someone was dying. So I got all these dying songs again. Way too many in a row to be coincidence and it's normal for the station either.

I told Exxon, and he brushed it off, like there was nothing wrong. He said, "So it was a special program?" Yeah right. does not just "mix it up" by throwing in death and mortuary songs for hours on end. Then, last night, I took the headphones off the laptop and he heard the song and started to cry. He was CRYING. To the song "10,000 Miles".

Yeah, and THIS song is really "fitting"--"Ordinary World". This is not an Ordinary World. This is like, that song from Disney, from Aladdin, this is "A Whole New World." A Whole New Fucking World and I wanna go back to the part before I go down the fucking rabbit hole.

I just found out where the photo is from--It's from Turkey I think. The mosque or church is called "Holy Sophia." Wait...Hang on...Okay, it's Hagia Sophia and it means "Holy Wisdom". Hmmm. That's cool. But still...? Where is the icon for the face with one eyebrow raised.

Well, it's very beautiful and I think I remember seeing something like it from a slide from art history in college. It looks like something from one of the slides. There is an important painting in one of those Turkey churches. Hmmm. turkey churches. That's not a very good phrase.

"Think of You" by A Fine Frenzy. I guess maybe somebody LIKES me? or something? because all of these are coming to me from out of nowhere, and besides the scary death thing, the rest is sort of romantic (?) actually. It's a little much, but I might be getting a message through the disbelief. Oh, a song about roses in Turkey would be pretty. Does Turkey have roses? I don't know, but I can see them. I can see red and pink roses in Turkey.

OH, it's an Eastern Orthodox church. That makes me think of Charles bc I recently read he's into Orthodoxy (newly) and because he likes architecture.

I am so tired tonight and just listening to music and almost fell asleep to the music. Who is this Mr. Rock & Roll?

I told Exxon I might go to a hotel tomorrow night or next and he was fine with it. It was whatever I wanted.

Exxon called and they're dancing. I should probably go out dancing with them because it's Exxon's birthday. I guess I'll call up and try to be a party animal...wait...maybe if I can take a separate car. Those COLOMBIANS! I tell you, dancing until about 4 a.m. you know.

We'll see.

You know what, I should probably stop freaking out and accept the gifts as they come and not get so worked up about things.

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