Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Will Wagler

From what I recognize, and from what I can tell, Chris Dabney is not Will Wagler. I might confirm this further through looking at his yearbook again, and I'm going to contact his family for his information as to where he's at.

One other thing that sort of throws me is his handwriting. Dabney has awful handwriting, just like Will Wagler did, which was another thing I was looking at when I convinced.

But I am going to call the Wagler family and finish my confirmation about this.

I tried calling and their number is unlisted or not there anymore. So I'm trying to find them another way I know how.

I am going to finish some complaints and also find the Waglers to positively confirm some things.

Okay, I called Moses Lake and I am told the church where his father used to pastor, has changed its name and the Waglers moved to Portland, Oregon, or at least the father did, years ago.

It used to be called Hope Community Church and it was affiliated with the Foursquare Church.

I don't THINK it's Will. I really don't. So that's a problem in another way. But, I am actually still wondering. For one thing, I haven't seen him for years, over 15 years. When I looked at him though, I kept thinking the other guy looked like Will, the one with eyes that were had a heavier lid, and he looked healthier or something. Really, really, weird. But the other thing, is that I remember Will's handwriting was such a horrid scrawl I remember thinking, what is WRONG with him? because he had terrible writing and yet was so smart and it was sort of sketchy. Just like Chris'.

The personality is a lot like Will's. And when he wrote to me, he was living in Chicago. CHICAGO, where he was going back to. How in the world could I miss him though? How could I not recognize him after all these years? that would be too weird. But why is his sister Wendy here in Maryland?

The thing is, too, is that Nikki was a preacher's kid. So she and Chris, if Chris is Will, would have something in common. Former preacher kids gone swinger. HOWEVER, I cannot imagine Chris or Bryan was in a psych ward for anything. Will was really hot and cold though, and fickle, and went for the type that Nikki is.

It would almost be WORSE, to me, if it is Will Wagler. If it's Chris, this other guy, then it's bad, and maybe worse in that I know he got his info from FBI or Catholic church. Well, actually, CHRIS IS working for government, one way or the other. I just don't know, still, who he is. This is the thing...either he's FBI and he knew things about me through FBI or other group, OR he knew about me and was so weird with things he said to me, because of his familiarity with me and having another name would be a dead giveaway for undercover. Obviously. I saw him last night, and thought, right away, no, it's not him. He looks more English. Something very English about him. And then over the phone he said, through Bryan Harr, that he was "Methodist". Nikki is Methodist and her father was a Methodist pastor. At least now, they are living together. That's what he told me last night. He said he was living with Nikki and I thought that was interesting. He's not hiding their little "spider" trap duality from anyone now because I outed them publicly. So now they...what? try to pretend the whole partnership is new and wasn't there from the beginning? With Nikki getting the job and then "Chris" just showing up in line next? I need to write about Chris and how I met him and what I know about him.

I can't believe I went in person and saw him and talked to him, and I'm still confused. Why am I still puzzled? I think it's his face. To me, he LOOKS different and especially after I saw this other guy that LOOKED more like the Will I used to know.

Everything else about Chris fits the bill for Will, though. Which is really, really, weird. Not only that, was he in Portland, Oregon when I was there? At least his father or family was for awhile. And then I just end up in D.C. like him?

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