Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Copy of Email to Wenatchee CPS on Abuse of Son

Physical Abuse of My Son‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 4/14/09 4:50 AM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (ermi300@dshs.wa.gov)


I told you from the start that my aunt admitted her family was punishing and disciplining my son through use of corporal punishment by slapping his hands and spanking him.

You finally asked her (them) to "stop" after REPEATED requests by me to intervene.

Now, I am told, by my own son, that he is STILL being spanked and hit and I demand you take action immediately.

Not only that, my son's nails were uncut and long with dirt underneath and for someone as attentive to cleaning her house, my aunt is clearly not paying attention to the details of my son.

My son's shoes were too small for his feet. His toes reached the very, very, end of his shoes. They were "Cars" shoes and size 8 and too small. He should be in at least a size 8 1/2 shoe or possibly a 9.

My son is very thin. There is no way he is still in the 90th-100th percentiles for growth and height, as he was, CONSISTENTLY, with ME, in my care.

Your agency neglects my son and has made "recommendations" which are not only wrong, they are contrary to reason and show the only person here who has Oliver's best interests at heart, who is actually paying ATTENTION to ANY of these things, is his biological mother, ME.

I expect to hear from CPS on all of these concerns.

Cameo Garrett

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