Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Edited Medical Record from U of Washington

I got a few comments from a GregO, who writes about disability discrimination and corruption within the ADA. He includes a "rubber stamp" letter wherein Cee Cee Alloway claims they cannot help with an employment issue when his issue has nothing to do with employment.

It's interesting how many letters and emails I've received, from people who have been discriminated against for physical, not mental disabilities. I know it happens to those with mental disabilities too, and it's probably much worse because they are vulnerable in that others do not listen to their complaints or think they are credible. Which is why you have cases like the one where the dentist or therapist is sexually abusing the mentally disabled person and no one believes the victim until a sting is done or DNA is obtained.

I remember watching one episode, on Court TV or an investigation channel, where the doctor actually performed surgery on himself to insert a bag of old blood into his arm so when they did a blood draw, it wasn't his own blood but that of someone else. He did this to cover up for what he had done.

People will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid being caught. I have to deal with this now, with getting my son back and showing malicious intent in defaming me to begin with. In my case, I had others trying to claim I am mentally ill or drug seeking, and trying to keep me from getting diagnostics which prove my and my son's injuries from childbirth.

I picked up some medical records a couple days ago, from the University of Washington, and saw the radiology report for my pelvic X-ray has been edited. It is about 1/3 the length it was before, and omits much of the vocabulary originally used to describe a fractured and healing pelvis. It still mentions broken tailbone and sclerosis, but some of the language is missing. I did get a copy of the actual X-ray though, so I have a hard copy of some evidence.

The same evidence which was withheld by the state, in my case for getting my son.

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