Monday, April 6, 2009

Este Manana

I played the lastfm today and everything was coming up Mexican music. I was playing an 80s and 90s station. Exxon perked up, especially to: "Flor Sin Retono" by Pedro Infante. Actually, that one was sort of nice. I like the recording even though it's old.

This is weird. The first song was Mexican and I skipped it because I didn't like it. Then I got another one, and now another one and Exxon is cracking up. This one is "Eres Mi Droga". Now it's "Margarita". ???!!!! and "Magdalena". "Macarena". "Be My Lover" and then "Todo" by Paquita Guzman--I like that one. "En Mi Viejo San Juan." "Moliendo Cafe". "te llama". I just told him I swear I must be marrying into a mafiosa and I'm going to check his bags anytime we get into ANY car because next thing I know I'm going to be taken to a dark corner and killed. He laughed.

What the hell is going on, I ask, once again.

Last night we were listening to music and watching music videos. Then, after a glass or two of Moscato (I liked the first version I tried better than this one from Italy) I brought up Princess Diana. He said he would play the song "Lady in Red" and I started to cry. I said, "How did you know? That was supposed to be one of her favorite songs!"

Then I started to question why in the world I was crying. I said, "I think yo soy loca!" He asked why I was crying and I said I didn't know. Then I said, how did he know this was one of her favorite songs? and I said, "You must have SOME interest in Princess Diana..." and he pushed his lips out and said no, she was a good, good, lady but her death was no different from anyone elses. I told him I just knew someone or some group had killed her (I said this, crying). First I was telling him I wanted something from her, NOT like a "relic" but something simple even, or unimportant, like a rubberband or something, to see if I picked up on anything when I held it, like some of those psychics do. I know, it sounds weird, but once I picked up a set of keys and "saw" some things that the guy said were accurate, and he said it was weird because they weren't even HIS keys so he knew I wasn't reading off of him or his persona. But I think sometimes this might work and other times there's probably nothing. Right?

Exxon asked why I was interested in Di and I told him what I've said before. That I never was when everyone else was. The first time I ever thought about her, was when she and Mother Theresa died so close. I was working at a computer company at the front desk and I remember thinking why was everyone making such a huge deal about Di but not Mother Theresa? and I thought it was really weird they died about the same time. I remember that day I first heard the news. Then, the second time I ever thought about her, I was interviewing for a nanny job up in the heights or "hills" of NW Portland, for a woman named Suzanne who was newly divorced and she had a couple of girls and had lived in Hong Kong for a long time. While I was waiting for her, I was left alone in the "parlor" and in front of me, on the coffee table was a large book of Princess Di. So I was looking through it and Suzanne came in and just starting talking about Di very enthusiastically and what she went through and how she related or took comfort from hearing about her life, in her own life.

Then, I don't think I thought about her for several years after that, not until a couple years ago when I briefly heard about the inquest. But I had all of my own problems to keep up with and didn't read much about celebrities or others. I guess it was about a year ago? I'm not sure. Maybe after my son was taken from me? that I started hearing about her or looked her up or something. I can't remember what it was exactly or when.

Ohmigosh..."La Bifurcada" by Memphis La Bluersa...the piano playing in this song is EXACTLY like what my father used to do. The playing style is exactly the same and when the piano does this string or whatever, sort of a solo, THAT is EXACTLY what I grew up. It sounds just like my Dad, and my Dad could play this way, by ear and never had a music lesson. Pretty incredible and I wish I had that gift! I am starting to think it must be blues? The whole riff though, even at the end, down the piano and up and's just like his playing. "Luna del Ocubre" by Pedro Infante again.

"click" by bonsur. "Mejor Que Tu Mintiendo" by Pamba. "Un Copita de la Ron".

See, I am NOT crazy. This is Weird. Just like the day I got three hours of death and morgue music after I wrote about Chris maybe dying and how I'd feel sad if he did. Then, I get music on an 80s and 90s hits station and it's not just for latino music.

"la paco lucia." and "prodigal" (english) now it's alteranting between song styles. "ritmo de la noche". something electronica about you can fly and then "Vanidad". Now, it's been all latino music for the last 15 or 20 minutes.

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