Friday, April 24, 2009

I Don't Know

I don't know. I don't know where this is going. One night I'm asked if I'd move to Colombia to be with him and his family and the next day he's talking about going back to Maryland. One day he says he loves me (a little) and the next, I feel this is just a cover for something like ego or to try to find a way to get out of this without being suspicious or the "bad guy". I told him not to be with me if he doesn't want to be with me or wants to be with someone else or cannot be faithful.

I told him how I feel and it hasn't changed. I am the one with "problems" supposedly, but he goes back and forth so much I wonder if he isn't bipolar or something. I guess I should add, I don't mean literally. I say this in a general "I'm pissed" way. Some things still do not add up.

I like him more than I did before, and his sense of humor made a good appearance again and he seemed smart and fun to be with. And then everything changes the next minute and I feel like I'm a chump.

Other things I can't explain. He's there for me in some ways, but in other ways I wonder why and think what he's saying actually backfires.

We fight, but it's verbal negotiation stuff, and then we make up.

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