Wednesday, April 1, 2009

images from this morning

the letters are further and farther
sometimes volume means nothing
sometimes three words are like
3 wishes from a genie

the roots are so fast tonight
under the ground
traveling like the speed of light
pushing around, past, and through the rocks
like black caterpillar fireworks implode and grow
these miles and miles and miles of fiber
are under the road
circuits and wires exploding under the surface
to the left and to the right
from the tree
there is an energy which cannot be contained
i see them bright white gold turning, at the coils,
silver and bending back, in copper
spreading out faster than the rock song
curling and turning
taking over an incredible length and space
something, tonight,
or a metaphysical energy
winding through, just beneath, just a foot or two
beneath, it seems
i see it crackling and the electrical sparks
traveling, roots taking shape so fast, from the roots
sometimes there is no color at all
just electricity in the dark sleep of the earth

the blue vase broke into pieces today
fell through her fingers
splintered into fragments on the floor
waves crashing and falling revealing small
bits of white foam at the edge
of every splinter

for whom the bell tolls
the bell is tolling
fireflies farewell to firefly
clipping something to the metal
to the post
running like one on a track team
it is all going up in smoke
standing at the base
someone else is so safe
they are dancing on a wire
they are not tripping
or tumbling
they are on toe
en pointe
from tree to tree the wire is tight
and the dancer is light enough
to keep balance


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