Friday, April 17, 2009

images and sri lanka and marriage holds

i woke up and early, at about 6 PST or maybe 7 PST? It could have been later, more like 8 a.m. I had that "heaviness" or sad or bad feeling like something wasn't okay.

And then I called to make sure things were okay with the flights with my fiance. I checked on some stuff.

Later, I got a call I wasn't able to pick up but I tried. I tried to take a call from out of the country from Sri Lanka.

I then looked up what's going on over there right now. I hope everything is okay. I hope someone tries to call again.

At any rate, when my fiance arrives we're going to try to set some things up and put stuff together for the situation with my son. We're not getting married right away. I need more time and said I'd help any way I can, and I mean it, but I don't feel it's right to be married right now. I need to wait.

Hot cup of cocoa
in a mug with both hands
stirring with a peppermint stick
cradling baby to breast
white crochet blanket from the rocking chair
mobile of airplanes in the nursery
mobile of airplanes in the sky
turning circles and bobbing
jostling for position
picking a ruby from a tree
pairing two distinct countries
one heart beating
one mind
looking out for me
from the eye of the heart
knowing who is for me
and who is not
and remembrance
remembrance not even needed
secure this seat is secure
reservations made in dreams to transfer
to reality

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