Thursday, April 30, 2009

Karine Bolduc and Whittemore

I got this bitch. This is another part of the True Life stuff I was writing about, which is all true and is the only part of my blog that I've verified is true in fact and isn't fiction at all.

The woman who purposefully dressed the way Christa Schneider thought I was going to dress, at Stephanie Maier's wedding shower, was a Karine, who was French Canadian and her family from Canada, but I couldn't remember her last name. I got it today.

I went to Moses Lake, Washington and snapped her photos from the yearbooks and got her name. It's her. Karine Bolduc. Pronounced: bull-DUCK.

Guess what her father did? He worked for a chemical company in Moses Lake that originated from Canada or had ties there. Br. Angar Santogrossi's father worked for a chemical company as well and both Ansgar Santogrossi and the Abbey attorney, Dick Whittemore, had connections to Canada.

Not only that, the river that was next to the property my son and I lived on, at the time we started having problems with health, gets the water from the river, through a pipe/machine thing that my fiance Alvaro took a bunch of photos of. I don't know why he took so many photos of it, because he later erased all of them and just kept the ones without the contraption.

The Bolduc's moved to Moses Lake, Washington and Karine became friends with Stephanie, when I and my family moved to Oregon, in 1990. The Bolduc's stayed in the area until 1993, according to a receptionist for the chemical company Bolduc worked for.

Then, Bolduc moved to work for a chemical company in Chicago, Illinois. The name of the chemical company he worked for in Moses Lake, which still exists, is EKO Chemical.

Karine had an older brother, Pascal. Pascal stayed in Moses Lake and worked for Freihe Farms. The receptionist remembered him, because, she said, Pascal had purchased several large "tanks" a few years ago, from EKO, so, she said, they did business.

The women giving me this information were coworkers for Bolduc and Moses Lake librarians who recalled family history and the Bolducs.

I got my leads from librarians.

God bless our librarians.

I have found potential links that tie some people together and show connections to my problems with the Mt. Angel Abbey, lawyers for the Abbey, Christa Schneider and Karine Bolduc, who later became a Whittemore, and joined to the Whittemore family.

Another interesting thing I found out, which probably has no bearing on anything, but when the photo of Hagia Sophia appeared on my laptop, when I was still in D.C., I wondered if this was the old Byzantine church where there is ancient art done by Catholic monks that shows the oldest belief of the church was that Jesus crushed the head of the "serpent" and was therefore the first in line to be without "original sin" instead of the later dogma that Mary was the one to do this. I don't know if it's the same church, but I found out, from reading an article in this month's "New Yorker", that the church is connected with the name Thomas Whittemore, who is known for the restoration of the artwork done there, at that church in Istanbul, Turkey.

I got photos of Karine and they're going online, along with some other things.

When Karine's father left Moses Lake for Chicago, he then worked for a parent company of EKO Chemicals, called AXO Nobel, to the best recollection of the receptionist at EKO.

As far as I know, he has ties to New York FBI as does Karine's husband. So there is an FBI link as well.

I should add, I am not implying my fiance has anything to do with anything, obviously, I just wish he still had the photos on his cam so I could upload them.

Secondly, I'm not making assumptions as to what exactly was the cause of my and my son's health issues (other than our childbirth damages). I do have evidence that I made records of symptoms of seizure as early as 1996, and found this postcard in a stack of old photos. Exxon and I saw this at the same time and I exclaimed to him this was proof I wasn't suddenly making up "symptoms" to "fit" what happened later, at the East Wenatchee location. As to the trigger for the seizures, I wouldn't know what that was. I do know we had serious hacking and electrical issues at the house at this time and I quit having my period, and to this day, my period has not returned to normal. I have to use less than 2 pads per "period" whereas before I used almost a whole box of either kind of products. My menstrual cycles have been permanently altered, from that point in time to this day.

I drank water from the sink but didn't usually use it for my son. At first I used only bottled water for both of us and then I switched to using it for my son but not me. A few times I used it for mixing formula, but in general I gave him good raw milk. I may have used it in soup, or to cook with, or for juice formulations. I probably drank the well water myself, now and then and I remember doing so. We also bathed in it.

Still, that wouldn't account for the hacking and concurrent issues with other health things.

My main point, is getting her maiden name and finding out what her father did. Because these things further identify this woman and what her connections are and how she was directly connected to Whittemore and FBI, at a time when I was having problems with them. She is the one who told my friend Stephanie to let me know she was once "jealous" of me but she wasn't any longer.

She's the one who wore her hair and makeup as Christa thought I was going to do for the shower, and who bought a dress that was exactly like the dress Christa thought I was going to wear, even complete with a black sweater and heels. She is the one who bought the gift item that I told Christa I would buy for Steph if I had the money, when Christa asked me "If you could get anything for Stephanie, what would it be?" and I told her I would like to get her a large vase from Tiffany's and I think I added something else but don't remember what right now. At any rate, that's exactly what Karine got Steph, and it was the same shape and size I described imagining to Christa, and Karine made a point of looking directly at ME when Stephanie was unwrapping the gift and smirking.

It was bizarre and I wondered how in the world Karine and Christa were connected and how Karine or her father or husband could have anything to do with the prolonged and ongoing harassment I received from people connected to the Abbey litigation or catholic church groups that just went after me.

I also wanted to find out the Canada connection, because it was set up to go against me when I left with my son to Canada and many Canadians questioned what was going on. Christa had thought long before that I would go to Canada if I were trying to get away, and Whittemore had connections there and he speaks fluent French.

I don't know what chemical company Br. Ansgar's father worked for. I think he worked in California, and possibly Chicago, and I know he also worked in New York or had family there or something.

There are others who can pull the ends together better than I can. But I'll post the photo of the shy, withdrawn, and "jealous" Karine Bolduc when I'm home or at a place to upload.

At least I got more information and was able to see her photo and confirm, yes, this is the woman.

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