Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Last Visit With Oliver

Here is a photo from the visit before last. I am going to write about that visit but first I'd like to write about the very last visit, from this last Wednesday. This is a terrible photo of me but it's cute of him.

In the last visit, I felt very distressed by the end. My son really wants and needs to be with me and needs more time with me. He has lost weight since I've been back and I hear he calls for me all the time. When he was approaching me for this visit he kept saying "mama!" and "mommy!!!" over and over, excitedly, before he could even see me. Michelle Erickson said, in response to this, "Can you say HOLLY?" and my son dutifully said "Holly" and then went back to saying "Mommy!" "Mama! Mama!" He knew he was going to see me.

Michelle had gone on this ridiculous tirade, in front of others, first. I, for one, was glad others got to hear her as she smirked and thought her digs were satisfying. She made this huge thing about "If we have to remind you once more to turn down the radio, your visit will be terminated." I said, "Michelle, in all the visits I've had, one person has asked that the music be turned down, once, and you make it sound as thought this "reminder" is necessary because it happens all the time." She just smirked and went on, "Songs like 'Pokerface' are INAPPROPRIATE for a child his age."

Huh? I don't even know what all the words to Pokerface are, and it just happened to be a song that came on when we had the radio on. I didn't bring it in on a CD or specifically and even if I had, I said to Michelle, "So you think my son who is not yet THREE, is capable of understanding the words to a song that I don't even fully understand and yet you claim he cannot recognize the voice of his own mother over the telephone." Michelle claimed my son was "confused" hearing my voice over the phone but he somehow understands words to a pop song and is damaged by them??? I added, when Michelle attempted to bully with her position again, "Take a child development class Michelle, you are in the WRONG job."

My fiance finally agrees with me that this woman, Michelle, is a, as he says, "Bitch". He overheard her on the phone telling me not to speak or respond to my son's Spanish with Spanish. I told Michelle my son was bilingual as I am, and if he is speaking to me in Spanish, I am going to respond to him in Spanish and that the state has an obligation to accomodate for HIS needs and "best interests". He is not yet three and cannot be "instructed" to speak to his mother in only English when I've used both Spanish and English with him since he was a baby and he was raised around latinos as well. I told Michelle if the monitor has a problem understanding our communications, the state should get a bilingual monitor in there instead. When Exxon heard this, he called her a bitch.

In the last visit, I noticed my son was so thin. He hasn't been eating much since I've come back and he did eat some cheese and turkey but he asked for the yogurt and was hungry but then refused to eat. He asked me to open it and kept pressing for it and I finally asked if he would eat if I held the spoon. He nodded. He didn't want to eat his yogurt unless his mama was feeding him with the spoon, like old times. So I scooped up the yogurt and he opened his mouth for every bite and seemed satisfied and calmed to have this contact with me. He needs to be with his mother. This made me so sad and I thought, I don't is very wrong what the state has done. Very wrong and yet they are still insistent on being "right" even at my son's detriment.

My son hugged and kissed me voluntarily again and wanted me to read to him and hide with him in a tent, in our "house". I asked him if he wanted to see more of me and he said "SI!!!" and then I asked him, "Oliver, do you want to live with Mama again?" and he said, "Si!!!" in a very determined way and nodded.

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