Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Son's Evidence Of Damages

I got, on video camera from last visit, evidence of complaints I made about what happened to my son, which the state (CPS) mocked.

My son has enamel dysplasia. A photo I posted earlier, of him smiling, is blurred, so you cannot see what I'm talking about. But I got it on video so you can see the tooth enamel problem.

I also got, on video cam, evidence of the "tinea versicolor" that I complained about, which CPS's Michelle Erickson mocked at Fact Finding.

My son and I BOTH got this after Dr. Butler refused to treat a systemic yeast (thrush) infection with oral antibiotics. All the lactation consultants in town knew we had it and questioned what in the hell was going on and why the remedy was being refused me and my son.

As a result, the thrush turned into another form of yeast, "tinea versicolor", which is, according to all scientific and medical journals, extremely rare for an infant to contract unless his immune system has been severely compromised by illness.

The same illness I kept going to the Wenatchee doctors about, to cure.

They did nothing.

Finally, they diagnosed ME with tinea, but not my son. My son had the spots THEN, and I took him in as a diligent mother should. NOW, he still has evidence of this.

My tinea has come out markedly, with the sun and warmer weather, as is typical, and my son's tinea has revealed itself again. He had the spots on his head before and at the last visit I saw a brand new spot right above his left eyebrow. It was also somewhat flakey. It was a dark brown spot of skin discoloration with a flaky sort of aspect to it.

It was proof he STILL has tinea versicolor and he has NEVER been treated for it, and if he and I had been treated for thrush when we had such an aggressive form, it never could have mutated to another form of almost permanent yeast, which is tinea versicolor.

I called Michelle Erickson after the visit and asked her to have Oliver seen for this, once again, and reminded her of how she publicly MOCKED me, for taking my son in to have this taken care of ONE YEAR AGO.


His mother.

No one else, except for his mother.

And his mother still knows her son should be compensated for all of his pain and suffering in physical damages and not being treated by Wenatchee doctors, and then being forcefully and traumatically separated from his mother as the result of retaliation.

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