Friday, April 10, 2009

My Son's Response To His Flowers & Gifts

I called my aunt to see if my son got the delivery I asked the floral people to make. I wrote about this in my post from last night. I wrote, last night, that I told the lady to put scented flowers in the bouquet, because I KNEW my son would smell them and that then he would say: "Mmmmm!!!!" because he and I used to do this together all the time. Well guess what? My aunt said he smelled the flowers. I said, "What did he do after that? did he say anything?" and she said, "Yes, he said, 'MmMmmmmmm!!!" I said, "I KNEW it. I knew what he would do because he is my son."

Only my son and I know how tight our bond is. There is no one, besides God, who knows how strong the love is that we have for eachother and I am an excellent mother. My son wanted for nothing in my care.

My aunt said that when he got the gift, he first took out the book and read through it and said it was "neat". I got him a book he and I used to read together that he liked, "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb".

Then he pulled out the stuffed animal beanie baby chick next. Then he pulled out the CD of music and then the chocolate sucker last and wanted to eat it and had a bite.

He first liked the balloon though, and I knew he would, because I bought him a helium balloon at least once a week, and usually more than that. He always had balloons when he was with me. I picked one out that had puppies on it and said "I'm Sorry" because I was sorry I hadn't been able to see him when he was wanting to see me and was waiting for me.

What I want at this point, is to have my son back without delay and to hold the state accountable for their actions and the trauma they inflicted on my son without necessity. The entire thing was unncessary and was horrible. They violated their own laws and did very serious harm to both me and my son and I want a law firm to make at least a few million suing them for all the violations, many of which are fully documented. There is very good documentation for a case. I know we can win and I want most of that money to go into a trust for my son and for his losses, which they will NEVER be able to compensate for with money, but for which my son should be covered anyway. As for me, I lost my chance to sue for medical malpractice because of the way they discredited me and derailed me from this claim. My son still has a chance to sue for his own damages, but the clock is ticking.

I absolutely want accountability. And they have proven, to everyone, that they are unable to follow even the most basic laws. The only thing that makes them listen is money or the idea they might lose money. It is the ONLY thing they care about. These people need to be removed from handling cases between parents and children because they are like Home Depot secretaries trying to run investigations and they are lousy at it.

My son would be the first to say I am the best caregiver he's ever had, that he misses me, and if he'd been able to use words then, he would have told those from "the department" what horror and misery he went through because of them and their actions, which they knew were drastic and wrong and which could have been prevented.

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