Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oliver (my son) Screaming and Traumatized

I called over to see if my son was okay and the first thing I heard in the background, was SCREAMING and SOBBING. My son never cried like this around me, ever. The only times I've heard traumatized sobbing and screaming like this was after he was taken from me and over the phone when he was at Holly Avilas, or, now, their "Daycare" with Sonia Avila.

The woman obviously didn't care because she acted like it was no big deal when I called. I asked that Oliver get on the phone so he could hear my voice and be consoled and he was so upset he couldn't even hear me through his screaming and crying.

My son is extremely thin and has not been growing at near the same rate as he was in MY CARE. He is very thin and his height hasn't gone up that much either. He's just not gaining the same kind of weight or growing the same. His thumb is raw. His left thumb, which he sucks, is WHITE from chaffing. Not only that, he is almost three years old and he's not even potty trained, even though with ME, he was almost potty trained EARLY, at 1 1/2 years. He just got traumatized by the whole separation and hasn't even wanted to try ever since. He's still in a fucking diaper. Oh, and the same size diaper at that, even though it's been a year almost, because he is so skinny.

Not only that, the Avilas practice corporal punishment and I'm sure if they do, Pablo's sister Sonia does as well. My son told me he was spanked. I asked him if anyone spanked him and he nodded and said "si".

Not only that, I just found out Sonia doesn't speak a SHRED of English. My son is with a woman ALL DAY, ALL WEEK, that lets my son cry by himself and if she ever does hold a conversation with him, it's in Spanish.

Which is probably why I noticed my son is not developing intellectually at the rate of his aquisation abilities. Nothing against Spanish, because if he could say MORE, in Spanish, that would be one thing.

The PROBLEM IS, I SPEAK SPANISH and when I talked to my son in Spanish at the visit, he knew more English and didn't know much Spanish vocab. Which means, for a kid that's at a Spanish speaking daycare all day, he's not picking up anything, because the main provider is not speaking to him and engaging him in communication.

Which is why my son is screaming bloody murder to be dropped off there.

I tested my son's abilities for learning new things when I was at the last visit and I recorded this.

I sang part of a song and then told him to sing part. So I would sing a word and then the game was that he would sing the next word, and we went back and forth. He picked it up at an unbelievable rate.

Not only that, when I read the "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" book to him, he was able to repeat not just the entire dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum accurately, but with the same rhythm I used, matched perfectly.

I realized, he is capable of picking things up at an extremely quick rate, and yet, for what I witnessed him accomplishing in my presence in only 4 hours, I am not seeing any evidence of anyone really spending time with my son to help him develop these things.

If someone were being attentive to my son, and stimulating intellectually, and spending TIME with him, he would be doing a whole lot more.

If my son was in some full immersion of Spanish with Sonia, because she actually spent time TALKING to him and reading to him, that would be COOL. It would be even better than English because he could get English from the outside world. But this woman obviously sits around all day, doing her own thing, and my son has picked up nothing with her.

Three cheers for CPS and their wonderful idea to remove a child from his loving and attentive mother, out of their own shitty hysterical concerns that I might sue the FUCK out of their friends if they don't.

I'm going to have to try to upload audio again. Because I have my son, on the record, admitting to being spanked, and I recorded the last part of his hysterical sobbing when I was on the phone with Sonia. And if anyone else, in any kind of fucking intelligence, is monitoring my phone for my involvement with the "Colombians" or whatever other issue, everyone else just heard what is going on too, and they would also know that my telephone visitation with my son was CUT OFF after I kept reporting hearing my son crying, screaming, or sounding unhappy and asking Holly what was going on. Oh, and he started asking for Mama and Mommy all the time, and CPS didn't like that, or the fact that my son is bonded to me in a way they could never break apart. Even though they've tried, desperately.

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