Thursday, April 16, 2009

Out Of My Mind?

Is it true that Exxon is making a comeback?

I thought no way. Too many big questions for me, about motive. However, he has passed a test I guess, or I think.

I called a private investigator and we talked. One who works out of Maryland. He said he did not believe Exxon would move to Wenatchee with me and thought it sounded more like a scam. He said to call and see if he would and as far as I know, he's saying he's going to get the ticket.

I mainly wanted to know what some different motives and situations were--how things added up or didn't add up. The embassy stuff, I can't explain. The spy requests from the U.S., I can't explain. But what I wanted to know is if he's a poor guy willing to do anything for me, or if he's a rich guy pulling a scam and trying to nickel and dime me. As for the past, if it's in the past and involves some other woman, it's in the past. Everyone screws up and we weren't carved in stone at that point anyway.

So...then I told him I'd written a bunch of bad things about Colombians and he said, "Oh no...don't do that...that's foolish..." He didn't say this in an insulting way. It was more like, just not a good idea.

But on my end, a few of them probably understand a little bit? I mean...The whole way we met and everything, isn't totally normal. Not that that's bad, at all. It's just different.

I'm sure everyone thinks he's out of his mind too.

I said once to him, "We both got hit on the head, but I remember MY injury!"

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