Friday, April 24, 2009

Photos Taken By Oliver Garrett 4/24/09

These are some photos my son took of me and various odds and ends in the office room for visitation. I hate the full face one of me with me smiling, but I included it because I thought he did a good job in framing the shot. While the subject matter is unimpressive, I love the one he did of my hair and earring. He said, before taking that one, "I'm taking one of your hair and earring." He told me what he was going to take a photo of and then did it. The one of me smiling was one where he said it was of my "nose" and yes, my nose seems to stand out. He also pointed to my other earring. Then he took one of my hair, which is where I fluffed it out and made a silly face which cracked him up. He took a photo of a truck and right after, he immediately turned it around so he could take another shot at another angle--he was placing his subject matter! lol. I thought it was so cute and serious of him. I notice how he manages to put the subject in a nice frame, either centered or at an interesting angle, even if the subject isn't interesting itself. Good job for not-yet-three! Each time he took a shot, he would laugh, getting a kick out of what he captured when it played back for him. He was much more interested in taking photos than in having his photo taken, even with me.

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