Saturday, April 4, 2009

Picture Flash of Man with Guitar

There's a guy here, at the cafe, and he asked if I was still doing anything with music because he overheard me, once, talking about music and getting more involved.

I looked at him and just suddenly saw a guitar. And him with a guitar. I asked if he had a guitar. He wouldn't say and hesitated. He shrugged it off like he didn't.

I kept seeing the guitar. I asked if he had a 6 string acoustic and played. He said he'd played various instruments in his life but wasn't doing anything now.

I kept asking, because, I said, "I just keep seeing you with a guitar and playing a guitar" and he finally said he used to be in a band for several years and, he said, he used to play in NY and at The Black Cat and other venues in D.C.

So he DOES, or DID, play guitar.

I asked how many guitars he owned. He said he has three.

He works at the Rapphanok cafe or whatever and has a moustache.

I absolutely saw the guitar thing, before he would even admit it.

I told Exxon, the other night, that I think...Well...Exxon was saying I was a "witch" and I laughed and said no, I'm not. But, I told him, lately, I've been trying to test this thing out, and see if it's true or not, if I can sometimes "see" things about other people or their lives.

I told Exxon, maybe I even got myself into more danger and trouble than I ever knew, because I wrote about something I could "see" and they thought I knew everything about some big criminal thing or who knows what and they got scared and just went after me. And all the while, I didn't even know what I was seeing and how it was important or meant something important.

What if, I said to him, I'd written about something, with all these indications that I knew about something and then some group thought I was a bigger threat than I was because I didn't even know, fully, what I was writing about?

I sort of wonder, if someone is speaking to me through another person, do I get picture flashes of the person behind the mask--the voice or the person doing the speaking, or do I get the pictures for the messenger and the person delivering the message?

I wonder if I sometimes tune into the voice itself, regardless of who the messenger is. Then again, other times, I've thought I get the impressions when someone puts their hand on me or I can touch them. But who knows, I wonder if I've been able to see something about the person behind the mask. If so, why?

I don't know if my abilities are getting stronger or if I'm just, lately, asking more questions to see if there's anything to it.

I don't know, automatically, if what I "see" is accurate or means anything. so I ask, because I want to know more.

I do wonder, too, about the "vibe" thing, which is a little harder for me to pin down. If someone is answering my questions honestly, I get an idea if what I'm "seeing" means anything or not, but the vibe thing...what that's about I don't know yet. I have some ideas but I don't completely know. One time, recently, when I just KNEW I knew something even though the guy denied it, was when I saw the guy had injured his knee once, in an ice skating incident. He said "no" but I somehow "knew" he wasn't telling me the truth.

Usually I need someone else to confirm to me whether something is true or not. But with him, he said no and everything kept saying "yes". Well, and he was lying about a lot of stuff, including the fact that he said he'd lived in Maryland his whole life when he had a NY accent.

I guess I just want to document some of this. Because I am not lying about this stuff and I figure, since my past boyfriends have said I DO have some kind of insight gift, and I notice it too, I sort of want to try to figure it out more, if I can.

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