Saturday, April 4, 2009

A True "Sign" & Surveillance (license plates NY, NJ, & FL?)

In my last post, I wrote about inconsistencies and the guy with the book, with the title that I made sound as if it had significance, when there is about a 99% chance there was zero significance.

I have had people ON MY ASS while I've been driving today. People fucking following me wherever I go and you know it's true when I cannot go around a corner and park in the middle of a very quiet neighborhood, without at least two cars coming behind and then then at least SIX waiting around the corner for me. I am not even kidding and I do not know what the fucking big deal is.

If you want to follow me around town to watch me ask for a new charger or get something to eat, and put a little gas in the car, it's your own waste of time.

I'm not saying all the surveillance has been bad, and I haven't noticed a lot of negativity, but there's BEEN some negativity and people just following me around like it's some kind of fucking tourist activity, to see where I go.

Here's one license number of a guy (white) in a baseball hat, who followed me INTO a McDonald's parking lot, drove up close to get a really good look, burst into laughter and then drove RIGHT back out of an enclosed parking lot. He had a woman with him I think.

New Jersey plates. WRF 63Z New Jersey (yellow plates) and it was a white SUV with sort of tinted glass.

Then when he saw I turned around to get on HIS ass, he pulled off to the right and went into some daycare center parking lot and STARED at me and I fucking waved HELLO to the fucker and he was grinning the whole time.

I don't think it's funny to be stalked. And all day today, for the first time in a long time, I have been stalked by more than one passenger in a car. Totally unbelievable.

My thing, is I'm not a zoo, and if you want to catch a glimpse of the wild life, rent a fucking rental car or a taxi, and try to be unseen and discreet. Because if I am certain you are on my ass, and especially if you are making a point to harass me, I am writing your fucking ass UP.

I swear to God, there's this horrible excuse for stalking that's legalized and it's really sad. I feel bad for celebrities, unless for some reason they like it (?!).

Exxon told me yesterday it is spring break. I asked him what was going on, when I noticed so many cars in the parking lot with people in the cars staring at us. HE noticed too and said, "Oh, it's just spring break."

I thought spring break was over with. I don't know. I still don't see why that would give someone a reason to suddenly think I am so "interesting".

I asked Exxon what was going on and didn't even try to dispute it, and he agreed. He recommended not spending too much time in one place too, and actually, that was good advice. Because it's like everyone knows where I'm going and where I am today. I parked at a cafe finally and I still have all these peopole driving by staring in the window, and it's like they already know I'm here, and they're drivng by slow and just staring at ME. It's not normal.

What do these people thinK? I have some kind of English paramour or something, or are they just in from the other states that host the crazies and wanted to have a look, thinking my situation with my son is over and that this is cause to celebrate? This is so WEIRD.

I went to the bank today, to cash a couple of checks from my old waitressing job, that I hadn't cashed, and when I was pulling IN and pulling OUT there were people watching.

Besides regular Maryland plates, I've noticed a lot of negative surveillance by people from New York, New Jersey, and whichever plate it is that has the giant orange in the middle (georgia? or Florida?). I don't know if it's an orange or a peach but it's right in the center.

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