Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dancing! and Painting

I got home today and decided to paint with oils. I made a great painting abstract and then I screwed it up by painting still. You know, you have to know when to stop. Then I painted over a posterboard which I'd used for a "legal calendar" and made it symbolic.

The one abstract looks like a swan in the mist. but I liked the one I captured earlier, which looked like a spinal column and had cool colors, mustard yellow, crimson, and cobalt blue with a little white.

I experimented mixing oils and acrylics and watercolor, and then I tossed a little liquor on the legal calendar. It works GREAT in place of paint thinner.

Then I met a woman from next door who is 24 and she's great and showed me her paintings and invited me to go out with her tonight. Her mom and her are really cool and they thought I was 24. Ooops.. Sorry I'm older. But I'm still fun! So we're going out.

They kind of think my fiance was cheating on me with housemate/owner. I mean, what else? she doesn't call me since he's taken off, and his nose and mouth were BRIGHT red. I don't know, it's just a little sketchy. Why? would she? i don't know. She thought I was married too, but then HE was wanting her to know we were NOT married.

I think this weirdo is back in MD. That's what she says. I shouldn't accuse exactly either, bc he could have gone to a latinas house. I just sort of wondered, because, well, I don't know...can someone cut me slack.

She came home seeing me happy, laughing, dancing to loud music, and painting on an easle with oils. that was before I took it all outside so I could throw liquor on it.


I love the symbolism of this.

At least on the part of the FBI, someone called me back today late in the day. So I'll talk later.

Just need out of this crazy stuff. Why in the hell was I targetetd? So frickin' bizarre.

have a good night everyone.

Oh, I wanted to add, I really, really, should not assume. It would be horrible to be wrong. He could have gone next door or something to some latinas house. I know for sure he cheated on me that night and had been cheating since I'd been training for a job. But I don't know who with exactly. Just kept my eyes open.

The other thing is, I don't know if he called her before or something or what bc when we first showed up I asked if she had wi-fi and they exchanged looks. LIke they knew I was a blogger and maybe didn't want me to be or something. I don't know. I saw the look. Then they said no but I picked up wi-fi later and it was under her name but he tried to say she didn't have it at all. Why, I don't know.

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