Thursday, May 7, 2009

El Raton Alvaro

Alvaro esta un raton.

He works both sides. I thought this for awhile but I didn't know what his intentions were with me entirely except that he kept trying to interfere with my attempts to correct court issues in Hyattsville and wanted me to lose my son, by missing out on deadlines, but pretended to be helping me.

He is the one who set me up with Pete Garrity, to try to put me in prison. And Pete Garrity approached me at a time I was tryibng to correct the Hyattsville matter, to clear my name of another smear, and then claims later that he's just trying to "help."

If Pete Garrity knew my son needed "protection", it was immoral for him or anyone else in law enforcement to allow abuse to continue with full knowledge of this abuse.

Not only that, Garrity's claim to "help" was to use "state services and programs".

Right. The U.S., on state and federal levels, has been unable to hold themselves accountable in what some of their employees have done to me and the harm done to me and my son, but they think they can toss a penny coin for me to take "services".

Because for one thing, they don't want any confirmation that they owe me anything or did anything wrong. These people still don't want me to get ahead, but monitor and watch everything I do, hoping to frame me and get rid of me, claiming they want to "help" or see me succeed.

Even the claim from county police, recently, was that they want to hep my son and will investigate why CPS took him away without grounds. But what did he do? The cop refused to go out there and take photos of the abuse of my son. Then, I ask again, and I'M asked if I have "photos". WHY? Yeah, you take your own god damn photos and then I'll let you know if your shots match mine. They didn't want to document the case for my son. When I last asked if an investigation was done for the improper removal of my son the response was, "have you had the psych eval done?"

Everything, for everyone I've reported, hinges on the "psych eval". They're not even worried about it. All they want is a rubber stamp to excuse them from being accountable for anything and then they want to say it to my face and document.

The state of WA went from telling Canada I had paranoid schitzophrenia to "she MAY have a severe mental illness." How does anyone "may" have a SEVERE mental illness?

I mean, "may" but it can't be "mild"? It must be "severe" but it's still may? These fuckers are wrong and screwed up in the head and put everything before my son, and his best interests. They put their own fucking agendas and desire to be RIGHT above my son.

This guy is not only working for the U.S., he's working for his own team within the U.S., that is corrupt. He got in and got used. I saw the way he looked at the state worker for CPS and the winks they exchanged. I also know something else I'm not talking about here.

There are whistleblowers and there are snitches. There is one mother fucker of a difference.

A whistleblower actually cares about a large group of people, or even one vulnerable individual, and is willing and brave enough, to stand up against bullies or potential groups of power. A snitch is someone who is just motivated by self interest with a weasley way of trying to find anything they can to screw someone over with, in order to benefit and get paid.

Why I say he's a raton and a corrupt one is because he doesn't even report things which are accurate. He tries to freeze frame certain segments to make it seem as though someone is doing something wrong. He sets people up, not to do wrong, but I guess the word is FRAME.

He will hear two hours of positive conversation from me, saying good things about my mother and father, and then record just one half hour when I'm in the heat of the moment and angry, and try to pass that off alone, as my true feelings to get others to side with him.

I saw him checking everyone out who sold or did marijuana and yet he was with some who did shady things on the side. He claimed to be on the side of the law, but other things he did suggested otherwise, and yet he uses the system to work for him and his group.

With the whole use of his name to imply he is this "Prince" he was, from the start, playing mind games. No one who is normal and good would do this. But I wasn't with him because i was deceived and believed this, I just made note of his attempt to make himself seem important. Believe me, if that was the prince, NO THANKS WOMANIZER. Machiavelli was a Prince too.

Prince schmintz.

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