Saturday, May 23, 2009

How I Met Alvaro & Colombians

When I was in D.C., there were some attempts to prevent me from receiving appropriate medical care and diagnostics, which mirrored what happened in Wenatchee, WA. In Wenatchee, it was small town circling the wagon to conceal damages which occured to me and my son at childbirth. By preventing me from getting diagnostics, I was unable to prove damages and did not have evidence to go to an attorney with.

In general, my medical care was superior in the D.C. area. It was not as if the entire town was circling the wagon. I noticed specific individuals who seemed to want to take over with my care, who didn't want to help, but then I ALSO felt protected in some ways, because I know I do have people who believe me and who were looking out for me.

I actually think I'm going to stop here for a moment and think about what to say and how to say it. But I'll come back to this post and finish it.

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