Monday, May 18, 2009

huuuh...the likeness...? Claire Danes?

i was just thinking, after idle-y posting these fun and fab (!?) photos of me, "do i look Russian?" I had about three more people tell me this. I think I look like Claire Danes here. I could double for her, chest and all. I just hope I don't end up like her character, in a Taiwanese prison. At least I won't be a courier for Colombian documents anymore so maybe I'll be okay. I am wondering still, with all the "you look Russian" comments, what that one sniper from Russia looked like anyway. I've been told I look like her.

well enough fun and games. I'm back to work. at any rate, whatever was going on with Alvaro wasn't fun. the whole thing was set up from the beginning, and no one cared to be honest about anything, including the phoney ring. too many things that were done were things the Abbey people would know about too. it was just a mind game, but i did honestly care about him and love him in a real way to some degree and that's what happens when you're a decent person i guess. in spite of everything, and how bad it was, and how twisted with the disloyalty on his end, i cared sincerely. he could be very cruel. i don't know what his whole game was at all, but i hoped he would just turn a new leaf and i tried to give him the benefit of a doubt that he could.

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