Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm So Excited! Going to Maryland

I am so excited! I've actually been meeting a couple of decent men. One I'm meeting in San Fran and another I really like and he seems really sweet too...We're going to make a holiday of the NIH campus and while I'm having fun with him for four days, I'm sneaking in my psych evals on the side...I may be meeting someone in Chicago in a week too. And maybe one in S.C., one in TX, and one in D.C.

Shhhhhhh! Daddy didn't say I was creative for nuthin'. Where there's a will, there's a way. I actually think this one guy who's hanging out with me in Maryland, will be a lot of fun. He asked if I was bringing my belt. Hhaa! I used all of my photos that Alvaro took of me to score with other men. I told him it's a BYOB (bring your own belt) party.

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