Wednesday, May 20, 2009


picked an entire basket of red raspberries
crushed them, pressed out the several seeds
for paint, for lipstick for blush for bleach blond hair pink
took nails down, i don't know why i
keep seeing long nails of a woman tearing from top to bottom
shredding something, with the pressure
these long pointed nails, pressing hard against something
which will tear top to bottom
what is she tearing? what is she willing to bleed
to leave to bind and tear and cut and need a little less?
something needs to go, needs to be torn from whole
scratched deeper than surface
deep, something is boiling beneath figuratively
behind the screen
something is boiling teapot squealing, nails strong bearing
down. these nails were leaving a mark of meaning, anguish and
desperation but determined, not impulsive, leaving a
calling card
then up moving up through his hair on another day
down and through the thick but up and into the thinning
another day
she wants to leave her mark on him. she wants any other
woman to know. he is a marked man.
for days now, i keep seeing her nails. but i don't know
what it is she wants or needs, or wills with the
clawing and rip. rest in peace woman. i am not your enemy.
i might even be your seer.

when you laugh you cry at the same time
disbelief, cartwheels in your head
ribbons streaming, i am pulling the peeling
from the apple, the skin is coming off in spirals
one long string, one long string of computer language & technology
i pull and you spin with the pull
you spin me round round like a record player
but when i dance, you are the one spinning
i pull and you spin with the pull
spun out of control
spun like cotton candy to a glob of sugar on a stick
someone else bought you at the fair
took you home and licked you down the way you wanted

you received a golden star, sir
you received a bright yellow gold star for your work
military. hard to know what you are and what to do
when you're part of a crew and you liked this
didn't like the grind, but for once, the peace of mind
that your mind was not put upon a pedestal
that your heart was glass like any other
you are not invincible
you can be conquered
i will know when you have been broken
you are so green and i am a cruel and determined mistress
oh don't worry, it's not a bad thing
not at all...
don't believe me yet?
you wore a fucking white uniform
i like the stripes, sir
navy blue, not saying i love you or know you
maybe someone just sees you
for who you really are
i want to say this is british but i don't know for sure
i don't know if it's british or american
but there's a white hat too
something special about cole porter
a song
cutting the rope instead of ribbons felt good
didn't it?
put a smile on your face
rubber ducky, you're the one


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