Saturday, May 23, 2009

James River Garrett

I guess I wanted a professional pathology done. He was 3 months along and clearly a boy and I could see characteristics in his face that looked like his father. I know it sounds impossible, but it's true. At any rate, I left him in Chevy Chase, MD with a capable funeral director.

I was going to bury him if I did or did not get pathology but they won't release him to me. So he goes to the state or something. Who knows. I was going to let the father know in case he wanted to take it and bury it but I don't think they'll release it and I didn't want to bother him to ask. I don't know whether he really cares or not. I haven't talked to him for half a year. But I would have let him have it, to bury, if he'd wanted.

I am at peace with it. I think other people have checked him out and know something happened to him that wasn't normal. I know the malfunctioning MRI machine killed him. Why all those problems with all their equipment: MRI, ultrasound, and blood transfusion machine, I cannot explain. I just don't think it was a good sign though. Someone wanted me to lose that baby. Those babies. But in the end, I guess evil was used for good because it saved my own life.

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