Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lucky Guess On Another Password, or No?

I am confused. Last night, I made it past another password on security-enabled only network. I really did. A word came to mind and I used it and got past security and then I was connected.

But if you're just "connected" does that really mean you got past the password? because then I couldn't get onto the network still. So I figured I must have got it wrong.

But other times, I will try to guess a password and when I'm wrong, it won't even connect, and just bumps you off.

I have made a connection to two different secured networks. I just don't know if that's a big deal or not.

One big thing was that it said there was low signal, so that could be why I couldn't proceed, but I think I also saw a lockbox symbol too, when I looked at the icon for one of the networks. You know, the symbol that shows whether your computer is connecting or not.

At any rate, it was showing connection, but at low signals and I couldn't do anything.

Oh! I just answered my own question. I read online that with security enabled networks you might be able to connect, but it won't let you have access. So they're not really lucky guesses afterall!

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