Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Witness Statements

The last couple of witness statements I got from a family Oliver liked visiting and their daughter Evelyn watched him once or twice out of my care when I went to a dental appointment where I couldn't hold him and she came with me to the office once as well. Evelyn translated the spanish of her parents into english for them, with their approval, confidence, and consent.

They recalled my visitng them all the way up to leaving for Canada. They remember Oliver as being very happy with me and this was their recurring comment.

I have about 5 or so more statements I can get from people who saw me interacting with my son and my son with me.

Oh, I guess I should get the names of the two mental health professionals who saw me right before I left for Canada too, who refused to admit me to a psych ward and stood up to doctors at the hospital who, they said, were giving them serious pressure and were angry with them for refusing to admit me. These guys both had sweat running down their faces because the doctors were trying so hard. The hospital called in not just ONE mental health professional, but TWO. BOTH concurred I was not mentally ill.

CPS took my son from me anyway, and told Canada I was "paranoid schitz" with the help of other state players--the police and the Attorney General. All local people, to my knowledge, people who all knew eachother and who based decisions on retaliation and gossip, not evidence. They went AGAINST the evidence.

A blog is not evidence. You don't base decisions on someone's blog or writing, especially when one hasn't even interacted or seen the everyday behavior of a parent with their child. What CPS did went against what everyone who knew me and my son knew, that there was nothing wrong, and in fact, that we had an exceptional and beautiful bond and we still do. It has not been broken, but my son needs to see me more.

And the state...Ummm...needs to be held fucking accountable for this and for their collusion with Wenatchee medical professionals who were avoiding lawsuit.

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