Friday, May 22, 2009

Music Today

I forget the name of this song, but I liked it so much when I was younger... "I wanna be with you everywhere (oh i...i wanna be with you everywhere). I like the star twinkling sound. It makes me think of little stars.

I liked this other song I heard called "Cathedral". Very good song, lyrically. I'd never heard it before. I like Billy Joel's "Honesty" too.

It is time to get internet at the house. I'm sitting at a store where it's so cold! I wanted to write out and post some images but my knee is sort of bothering me for some reason, with the cold draft I think. I think it still hurts a little bit from trying to run the other day. I think I'll have to swim laps when I can, for exercise. I wouldn't mind doing strength training from waterskiing after a boat actually. I really don't like the gym, unless it's for a dance class and there's good music.

I was thinking about the knife I "saw" in my mind's eye earlier, well, yesterday. It was sort of a kitchen knife. Not a small pocket knife. It was medium to large like a chopping knife, somewhere inbetween. Not that it matters, bc if it's that I connected this to the woman I was talking to, it is true her life and friends' lives did involve a lot of knives. But still I wonder. Was it just to get the general idea? or was it more specific? I'll have to ask more questions.

Oh, and I'm not lying about getting the password to my housemates internet wifi. The thing is, I got in and got connected, but it was down or whatever. I don't know, I made it past the password key thing, but then it wouldn't do anything after I was connected and I was connected with a strong signal too.

I was able to use another connection the other night, which was nice.

Okay, I'm going home bc it is way too cold in here! Goodnight if I can't connect to another network later tonight.

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