Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Lucky Guesses Tonight

I made some good, intuitive, guesses tonight and this guy from D.C. who was visiting said I might want to be a psychologist. Hmmm...I might! Maybe that's more up my alley than law anyway--it's social at least and I like to figure people out.

So...there were some bartenders new to me and I guessed correctly that one , a man, was into video games. It was the first thing that came to mind. He said he wasn't really into it and I said, "how often?" and he said about 3 times a week or more, at 2 hours per session. Aha! :) then, the woman, I guessed, read romance novels. NO, no romance she said. But she is a big reader. I also saw and mentioned a CAT. Yes, this girl has a CAT that is the fucking love of her life. It's all I guessed too...the reading anD< I told her, "give me five for the CAT." and she did. They were all laughing and this guy nearby eating, whom I'd said was "next" then said, "Okay" it was "his turn".

The weirdest thing is the first thing I saw was a trailer home. But I didn't say it because he didn't look trailer home but I still saw this. I kept seeing a trailer house. later, I found out, he was raised, partly, in a trailer in CA and it's still there and he and his siblings had felt bad about it and built a real house on the propery next to the trailer. But it was roots, that trailer, and symbolic. and I saw it. The other thing I saw, which I said out loud to him, was something "about the night". I told him, "I keep seeing NIGHT, like you worked at night a lot in the past." wow, he said and he was speechless. he did. Most of his past work was at night. He used to work for the navy and in his specific target group, their MOTTO was: WE OWN THE NIGHT. That was the MOTTO of his group. I said to him, "was this a general thing or a specific group thing" and he said it was a specific group.

Hands UP. Very weird I could guess this.

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