Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Parent's Continued Disbelief

RE: phone call‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 5/08/09 6:49 AM
To: mom dad (

Mom and Dad,

Please make sure Dad hears this.

Yesterday I realized Alvaro left with some of my clothing. I knew I was missing things but didn't know what and I found out yesterday when counting, that he took four different shirts I owned, and all of my white underwear and my white bra.

Do you still think this guy is "sincere"? Mom, I told you the guy left by erasing photos of me and Oliver which were on it, and then taking a photo of me SLEEPING, which he left as the only photo on the camera.

The guy was a creep and you still defend him. I was trying to call you and tell you about this, and about how he wanted to turn you against me and have you side with him, but you don't listen to me.

He was also recording my conversations with him but only recorded things I said which were negative when I was really, really, angry and said things I didn't mean. But he never recorded positive things I said about my family or other people. I noticed he was using his phone to record stuff and I noticed when he took it out so he could get soemthing down.

The guy was a major loser and the sad thing is that he had this set up with his buddies from Colombia all along.

I don't know why you don't trust me.

I have left about 5 messages trying to talk to you but you don't retrun my calls. The only time you treated me normally was when you thought I was marrying that guy! I feel really bad that you and Dad must be disappointed and in a state of disbelief, but why are you not angry FOR me instead of AT me? Someone does something like this to your only daughter, purposefully trying to mess me but look like a good guy, and you don't listen to me.

You wouldn't even believe some of the other things that happened if I told you. He did some really psychotic messed up things.

Cheating on me the whole time, and admitting it, is bad enough but it's not "abnormal". Some of the other things he did were abnormal and meant to humiliate me. He also tried to set me up to have me go to prison.

But you think he's a good guy because he can play a part and say what you want to hear. He knew exactly what you wanted to hear, and he delivered just that. He's an actor and was conning you and I stood there that day, knowing all this and feeling afraid for you.

Then, he was driving by your house and trying to get a view, even though I never once told him where your other house was.

Please believe me and start supporting me.


Subject: phone call
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 22:11:52 -0400

Hi Cameo,

I'm writing after your phone call asking for Levi's's .

You also asked if Oliver is ok and he is fine.

The other thing I'm going to write is not something you've asked about, but since you did call regarding Alvaro and also made reference to breaking up with him in your phone message, I'm going to just state a few things for you to consider. In order to see what was happening, I went on your blog and read that. I sometimes try to stay away from that, but wanted to see what was going on. So, of course, I read what you've put on there about your concerns, suspicions, etc of him and also of your breakup and his leaving.

I certainly do not know him; only met him for the hour or so you were here; same with Dad. However, we did feel he seemed like a 'decent' guy who is 'sincere'. That's all we can really say, but we felt that. When I say 'decent', I don't mean without faults or flaws, but we liked him. I think Pablo feels the same. We really feel that while he may have issues, may have done some things wrong, he is sincere in caring for you and you are way overboard in many of your suspicions. As to him...he left his family and his friends to fly out to Wenatchee where he knows nobody but you and he's out of his 'comfort zone'. He left behind what work was available, spent money on the flight for him as well as a previous flight for you. Spent hundreds, I'm, motel bills, car rental expense and gas, food, and more. I'm sure this ran into hundreds...
I would think if he simply and only wanted someone to 'marry him so he could get a greencard', he could easily find someone willing to do it for less than all that effort and expense....and it's not counting the fact that he wanted to get you a 'real' ring, and etc. while back east. He could certainly find someone less suspicious and demanding and untrustworthy...and yes, you are all of those things. You accuse him, but you yourself have lied to him, led him on, and stolen money. You say you have no guilt feelings, but I read in your blog how you took his money and hid it, lied about it being stolen, went back later and cancelled the marriage application without telling him, 'strung him along' (your words), etc, etc. My gosh, how can you think you are any better than him? Cameo, you not only do those things, but you humiliate him on your blog, suspect him of being everything from a drug lord to FBI to CIA and whatever. Now I know nothing of his background or what he has or has not done, but I sure don't think you can point a finger at him without several others pointing back at yourself. I also know how paranoid you are of everyone and ARE paranoid. I did not say mentally ill, I did not say paranoid schitzophrenic, I just said paranoid...and it is true. You believe that because Oliver has some bruises he is being 'abused' by Holly and Pablo who have given the last year and a half of their life to taking EXCELLENT care of your son with nothing given to them in return...and no, they did NOT do it because they want to adopt another child. They would be willing to adopt him to keep him from having trauma of moving to somewhere else if necessary, but at age 53 and older, they are NOT looking for a child to raise into their 70's. They will have grandchildren of their own soon enough. You believe the worst of us in anything we do ...

(edited some) The truth is, with folks like family and Alvaro...they can be your friends and you'll get along with them until they (we) don't give you what you expect, ask for or want. Or till we say or believe something that isn't in line with what you say or believe. You cannot tolerate that. If we don't do or think what you want us to, we suddenly do not "support" you, don't love you or care about you. We suddenly become scum, untrustworthy, and under suspicion and no longer of any use to you. I'm sure this note will likely make you mad, but if you will look back, and be honest, it is true. I don't say it to 'score points' against you. I don't say it to hurt you. I don't say it to get back at you or put you down. I'm saying it because I pray that it will sink in and help you....because we do care for you. You have cursed us and stated horrible things like that you hope we die slow and tortuous deaths. I don't think you truly mean th at, but even if you do, we do care for you and don't think that's the 'real' you. Please get alone with God and pray and look at yourself and ask Him to open your eyes and show you the truth.....and mean it. Hopefully you will see the truth. Ask God to help you. Not to avenge you and help you to get even with people, but to help you to find the way into a normal, happy, trusting, and free life...a life living for him as I know you once did. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". Love, Mom

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