Sunday, May 10, 2009

Naming the Bitch: Mykal Holt

The housemate who knew and started sleeping around with Alvaro is Mykal Holt. She told me she was a "christian" and I walked into her house and thought "catholic" but she said just christian and then brings all this stuff up about how she's "messianic jewish." Oh, and she said she was more of a "european christian" because I noticed the liquor and things. Not to mention she doesn't mind flashing her ass to the workers around the house.

That's when I thought it was possible for her to do this with Alvaro. Because the next day, she was wearing the bathrobe and nothing beneath, and there was a worker there and he was standing behind her and she just WHOOP! bent over and showed a little ass beneath her robe. She didn't know I was there. I was sitting in the car, looking over and the worker's eyes got really wide and he was trying not to notice.

Real nice girl. she describes herself--"Classy".

She decided to post an advertisement renting a room right about the time I came into town or Alvaro, rather, had come into town.

She talked all about going to Brazil and traveling to do translation. Just what he wants--an English tutor and she wants to learn more Spanish. I guess they both want a little action on the side.

I don't know...He's from Colombia and I was being tested to be a "spy" and she goes back and forth from Brazil...for translation for medical stuff...

CIA? No. Dear God, tell me no. He's dirtier than shit I already know that, but in some way they must know people and act as informants for the state or something.

He just so happens to be aligning federal cops at courthouses when he knows his girlfriend is going to be, and is always sniffing around for drugs. The guy is a fucking raton. As for her, I don't know...coincidence she gave me an "orange star flower" plant just a few hours after my visit with my son where he was talking about the orange star flowers on my shirt. Hmmm...she wasn't there, in that room but perhaps the monitor commented on this.

I'm SO not done hun.

I'm actually glad to see how he fucks around with Americanas who act as informants for the state. I think I feel Latin pride a little more than that asshole. Both he and his buddy, Henry, were trying to feel out where I used weed, where I got it and who from. I said I didn't reveal names. And I didn't. Henry said, "You're ready to work for the FBI."

That certaintly explains why Alvaro wanted to "help" but only on his own terms, trying to keep me from getting things corrected in court when I was naming shit the federal people had done.

He's just a double raton though. He did some very sick things and he's the kind of squeal-y rat no one likes very much. He gets off on it. His little mind game was sick, and how did he get that name and the immigration notice but somehow manage to stay in the U.S. with no penalty unless he's just a U.S. gov. worker who is also doing favors for others on the side.

I told him, in MD..."You're totally done. No one is ever going to trust you again. You've lost your credibility with your own people."

This might explain why Judge Hotchkiss was always looking at him like he knew him or what he was about. I saw THEM exchanging looks at the courthouse and then the Judge looked up and saw ME coming down the stairs. I looked to the left to see who he was exchanging this look with, and guess who it was? My fucking "fiance".

Alvaro Pardo Barbosa will never, EVER, be undercover anything EVER again.

You're done son.

Too bad for the U.S., they don't have a replacement. They need people like me, I think, and my message to all this SHIT is:


FUCK YOU with my middle finger in your face.

Too bad I didn't go to prison, too bad you couldn't fucking frame me. Too bad you couldn't get away with all your shit and still try to come out on the other side like you're the "good guys"...telling me to train for poker as you fucking set your government workers up with other government workers for your sick fun and games.

I like how Mykal lives right next to the D.A. for Wenatchee, and how she told me the house right next to her was a bunch of druggies. She went on and on about how her neighbors were fucking drug dealers and she hated them. She was setting it up. She was thinking maybe I would go over to THAT house, and they could catch me on drug shit I've never done.

The girl from the other house invited me over and I met her mom, and they didn't look like drug dealers at all. Then I saw the catholic rosary thing on the mirror and asked if they were catholic. I was told, just the little kid was. Wow. He must be a real independent thinker to be the only one in the family who is catholic. He's going to fucking elementary school but that kid knows how to hold his own.

So this young woman takes me out and asks me if I ever wanted to be an assassin. What kind of fucking question is that? Next, she's asking if she can have some of my prescription pills and I said no, I need them for serious medical reasons. The next morning, she's with her boyfriend, and I may be totally wrong, but this guy is a dead ringer for a blond guy I knew used to work for one of the law firms in town, that represents the medical professionals in Wenatchee. She says she was in the Marines. She also told me she had an eating disorder and tried to pump me to see whether I could "relate" and asked me if I'd ever had an eating issue. I asked her what she was diagnosed with and she said both anorexia AND bulimia. She said it was called "bull-anorexia".

Oh my darling little many of you and some of you are just SO fucking cute! I just want to put you all together into a little glass cage so everyone can appreciate y'all for your hard work licking eachother's asses. Get back on your fucking wheel now.

This young woman decided to bring me over "other clothes" to wear. A pale blue oxford style shirt and a pink oxford style shirt. Thanks, but I want my other clothes back.

I like how these are all the people who want to frame me, play mind games, try to get away with their own serious crimes and violations of law, but tell me to "go on state services and programs." Yeah right.

So anyway, Mykal reads a wide selection of literature. In one of her rooms, she has a basket with the following books: The Art of War. (yeah! lol) The other one is "The Appeal" by John Grisham. That's one about how a group of people buy off a judge and prime him to do their bidding. Huh. Another was called "The Shack". Another was "King's Blood" and there were a couple more. I thought the Art of War and The Appeal were ones I might like to read someday. Oh, and maybe the Shack too, you know, I wonder if it's a drama anything like what has followed from my reporting to the public about a monk trying to take me out to a shack in the woods. I noticed how some of the state workers wanted to say the place I lived in with my son was a "shack". Oh and Michelle used to ridicule, along with the other Wenatchee state workers "patterns". I would talk about their pattern of behavior and she tried to turn around and say I had a "pattern".

No one wants to be accountable for anything they've done. But they sure want me to be WRONG and to jump through their hoops so they can say they did nothing wrong. They don't want to compensate me. They don't want me to get ahead. They just want to make it appear as though they are the good guys while they're trying to jail me and screw me over and hope I lose my son forever.

THEIR terms. Now, I'm going to include a couple emails...One I copied from Alvaro's email. Before he could grab it away, I sent his email which he'd sent to himself, for "air paso" to my account. He grabbed his phone and deleted his message which said, "Donde va anda?" This was when he first came into town, weeks before I told him I'd help him pack his bags and he decided to steal my clothes.

I live on State Street. Oh, oops. I think it's actually called "Franklin St."

Thanks everyone. Everybody wants to live in Wenatchee. Yes, we all know, everyone is just DYING to live in Wenatchee.

Well Alvaro, I hope you had some fun while it lasted. Do you like undercover work? Yeah, it's too bad fucker. It's too fucking bad you're just not very good at it. Muthahfuckah. You're so, so, done. It may be construction work for you forever now. Or, you could certaintly go into some kind of negotiations, like...with....I don't know. Because no employer is going to want to hire you.

As for Mykal. What a joke. She went on and on and on about how this is just "meant to be" and part of "God's plan" (I'm confused as to who her "god" is). She said it was good I wasn't with the man she knew I was with, whom she decided to take for the fucking. Oh, she said I was meant for something "great". Something GREAT! She's telling me to go on food stamps and to learn poker from her friend Michael, at Minns. If she and Alvaro want me to learn poker, that's the last thing I'm going to do. After they're fucking games, for all I know, I'd learn the game and train for this (it's not paid training) and then not even get a job. Just another waste of my fucking time.

So she says she has cancer. Huh. I guess this is her way of living it up and "living well" until she tanks?

My guess, about Alvaro, is that he called me up last night because he knows he fucked himself over. I am going to post an email I sent to my parents when they were still in a state of disbelief, thinking he was so "sincere".

Oh, and it was kind of interesting too, how for the first time in Douglas Courthouse history, there was a security scan before people could enter the courthouse. There were about 3 or 4 police officers, all standing close to where I was sitting. And they all told us all to clear out and go through security before the Judge came in. Everyone said, "Is this new? When was THIS implemented?" So that's when I was walking downstairs and saw Judge Hotchkiss looking over at Alvaro. Thanks buddy was the non-verbal.

Yeah, right. I'm the fucking nut. These people are dirty and FUCKED up but I'm the one whose "dangerous". The whole time, the state and the U.S. government KNEW what Alvaro was doing and they CONDONED and SANCTIONED what he was doing and fucking PAID him to TRY to frame me on something...ANYTHING.

Alvaro made a big deal about guns too and asking me if I had a gun. A bunch of other shit. Oh, and his whole stealing the down pillow when my name was on the hotel receipt...he could have turned around and lied and said I was the one who stole it. Of course, because he's the good guy.

These people are dumpster divers--the carp slithering on the mud in the pond.

Oh, by the way, where was the couch that Alvaro was supposedly "sleeping" on when he didn't "hear" me banging on the door for over TEN MINUTES??? Guess what. It's right next to the fucking front door. I was standing there ringing the doorbell and knocking loudly, and then going to the bedroom window and hearing the dog in there, and then going back to the door, and he is not a light sleeper.

I guess they wanted a little more time to finish up their orgasms before lying to my face some more.

That's SOME European "christianity".

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