Friday, May 1, 2009

Newfound History of Partial Seizure and Migraine

The postcard I found is dated "Feb. 6, 1999". Beneath this date, which I wrote and underlined, I wrote:

"Sudden dizziness, heart racing, overproduction of saliva, nausea, (PMS--breasts sore, etc.) Took Excederin Migraine 3 hours earlier for headache from previous night. Thirsty.

Prior drooling history 2-3 years ago experienced sudden dizziness, excessive prolonged drooling, nausea, and stomach cramps, heart racing. Was found iron deficient.

More recently, migraines (?) one side only, wake up w/them, take 3-5 advil to sleep them..."

I don't know where the other cards are but it continues and yet I just found this one. I think the other cards had more information about migraine history. But i don't know where they are right now.

At any rate, this fits what my best friend from high school observed all the time. It also fits the criteria for partial seizure, and in women, seizures are more common around menstruation and PMS and are comorbid or occur frequently with migraine. Those who suffer from migraine are more likely to have seizures and vice versa.

My partial seizures from these dates worsened to the point of my almost blacking out temporarily and having to use the bathroom (which I had to do back then too, I remember, but I thought it had more to do with PMS or nerves than seizure and my migraines). At any rate, my symptoms which I wrote about, fit the criteria for a particular kind of partial seizure and the fact that I had them long before I had traumatic experiences in my life shows they are of a physical nature and have nothing to do with a "breakdown" or emotional stress. Well, they could possibly occur more under stress, I think, but they were physical and something I was born predisposed to.

I went to ER for diagnostics for these symptoms of seizure, several times, and they did nothing and tried to lock me up in a mental ward instead, to no avail. This was in Wenatchee of course, at the same hospital that the state determined did not have enough competent neurologists on board to give them the standing they needed to treat any kind of head issue or injury. Which is probably why they were incompetent in recognizing seizure symptoms and believing I had migraines.

I then had my son taken from me when I had physical and not mental disabilities for whihc I attempted to get help for.

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