Tuesday, May 26, 2009

People Laughing WITH Me!

Okay, I'm just deciding people are laughing with me over what I wrote. I had SO many people driving back and forth or by me and just smiling or laughing and I thought about it and thought, you know, I was cracking up laughing myself as I was reading what I had written. I laughed so hard. Yeah...I guess I'm a little bit funny. Even when I don't mean to be. I read some of the things I'd written and was just cracking up, like when I read how I was feeling "heady" and I KNEW it wasn't from the sprite. Didn't include that one.

I had a moment of panic though. I thought: SHIT. SOMEBODY GOT THOSE PHOTOS OF MY ASS. I thought maybe someone had accessed through hacking and posted them without my consent. Because, I think, only my ass is THAT funny.

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