Monday, May 18, 2009

Positive Vibe

I haven't felt this strong of a good vibe for awhile. I feel like something or someone is very close to me or closer or something. Something is sort of happening. For about the last hour at least, maybe, possibly 2 hours. Definitely the last hour.

I don't know if it's close physically, in proximity and location, or in heart and mind sort of psychically. But something very good and very strong.

This is so weird. I know it sounds really weird too...but maybe some of my lucky guesses have encouraged a little confidence in me, that there are things that are inexplicable, and it doesn't mean someone is crazy or delusional or "seeing" and "hearing" things. but aside from lucky guesses, this has been a very strong positive vibe all day almost. sort of subdued around 4 p.m. or so, my time (pst)but then back very strong. never really left all day, but something else is very powerful.

it's sort of the feeling i'd imagine i would have if someone were praying for me, but it's just a very strong and close connection maybe. i don't know.

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