Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Possible Sexual Abuse Of My Son

At the end of the visit with my son today he said he wanted to go home. He was bored and tired. This is the first time he's said he wanted to go home rather than saying he wanted to stay with me.

I asked my son what he was going to play when he got home. I asked if he was going to play something and he nodded. I said what, and he said "Suckypee" or "Suck y pee". I am trying to think if there is a Spanish word that I don't know of for a game that is innocuous. If there is, I'd like to know. He says "si" and "y" for "and" and he repeatedly kept saying he was going to play suckypee.

So I asked my son how do you play suckypee? And he took a straw from his juicebox and as he kneeled on his knees, he put the straw in my mouth with his mouth and then sucked and blew air on his end of the straw.

The visitation monitor knew exactly what I was thinking because there is no way she wasn't thinking the same thing. I saw the concerning look in her eyes and then she tried to shrug it off, saying "It could be anything." But she was saying this after looking very alarmed. lAnd she asked me over and over, what is he saying? and I said, I don't know, "suckypee". She said, "that's what I thought he was saying." And then she tried to say, after my son shows us what "suckypee" is, how to do it.

I asked a couple of other people if I am right to be somewhat concerned and they all say yes. They say, especially all the men, that this would be extremely concerning to them.

My son did not have any bruises that were abnormal, like a bunch, on his legs today, not that I could tell. But in the past, the bruises have been on his right leg primarily and a couple times on his inner thigh.

In the photo above he was showing me how to play suckypee, and put the straw up to my mouth but you can't see the straw in this picture. But he put it in my mouth and then he'd leave it in my mouth and blow and suck on the other end, taking his mouth off sometimes. I said, "Is this how you play suckypee?" and he said yes.

I asked if he played it with someone and he said yes. But he didn't say who.

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