Friday, May 8, 2009

Regarding Witness Statements

These are just a few witness statements I collected today. I have about half and at least ten more that I can collect. All the neighbors knew me and a librarian is going to testify and I picked up documents which prove my son was enrolled in mommy and me swim lessons. I picked up documents which prove my son was enrolled by me, for two swim sessions that lasted 5 weeks each. So another example of being out of the house and in the public eye with nothing to hide and no complaints. Just a few doctors who had something to cover made complaints, and they never saw me in the community at all. They were just pissed I was getting, or trying to get, a lawyer in Seattle for medical malpractice and defamation.

My other document will be of the pre-school my son was enrolled in which he went to with my full supervision whenever we could make it. My car kept having issues and my grandfather, at the time, said someone did something to it, more than once. So we were trapped at the East Wenatchee location for awhile, but not by choice.

So I'll keep putting up the witness statements.

It's sad that my family doubted me out of their narrow minded ideas of what is "christian" mothering and their own issues, and sided with the state which supported doctors who had motive to lie about me. They knew I was trying to sue for damages and they covered everything up. All of these individuals, never met with me or spent time with me or me and my son. I invited my family in the area to spend time with us and they didn't. I had one cousin who I wasn't very close to at the time, who came to visit for a day or less. None of the Dr.'s were PCPs or knew me except by my attempts to get care at ER for what were symptoms of seizure, which I had a past history. We lived in an orchard where there were pesicides, some which were newly outlawed and anything could have triggered my seizures, including a magnetic pulse which was used to get onto my desktop and laptops and cause electrical disturbances and battery operated toys to go off. It wasn't unfeasible, because the pattern of harassment was witnessed by neighbors when I lived on Methow St. I kept telling police if this was going on this long, it was going to escalate and it WAS escalating. Police ignored me and told me to move. I had already moved from Oregon where it first began, to Washington. Where was I supposed to move to next?

If someone had been listening to me, my son never would have been removed nor would he and I have been harmed in any way. But instead, my son was traumatized. Only God, my son, and I know the extent of the damages. And then CPS and these Drs knew all along and just railraoded the case through and now want a stamp of mental illness from a psychologist. It is all they care about--and all their general counsel cares about--protecting their own interests and not the interrests of children.

And that is very, very, sad.

When I got back from the East Coast, most of my witness statements were missing and my medical records were all gone as well. I had everything in storage and it was no longer there. This sort of thing has been going on forever and then I was duped by the whole Colombian thing, I guess when they decided to step in because they were nervous someone might be exposed. So they wanted to distract me and stall for time. I think a couple of them may have cared about me. I can think of a couple that stand out. But the rest just wanted to do me in.

Just so they know, I treated their man with at least basic respect. I took him to have his health checked out at three different places and made sure his needs were met and that he was meeting people. I was also loyal to someone who was never loyal to me. And I don't regret it. Someone said to me, "You did it because you're a good person." Which is why I still buckled him into his seatbelt when he appeared to be drunk and had just humiliated me in front of all the Colombians at a party where he was kissing his girlfriend behind my back. Everyone knew. And I still went the extra mile to look out for him.

I didn't put up with shit and I kept my eyes open. But also, I returned good for evil, knowing what was going down. I don't regret it at all. As for "karma", I have always been at peace with God. There is nothing which requires me to be at peace with all men though it would be ideal. I am accountable to God alone, with regard to care of my son, my own interests, and how I answer for things I've done. I feel protection from God.

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