Sunday, May 10, 2009

Roommate, Missing Clothes, and Call from Exxon

I haven't tried calling Alvaro at all, not once, since he left. He tried calling me at about 9:00 p.m. PST. I ignored the call and told Granny he'd called and I might try calling back to find out why.

So I tried calling later that night but it was late. Supposedly he's back in MD, but I have no idea really. All I know is that my clothing disappeared with him.

The clothing thing is something that has been happening since 2002, when I first reported the Abbey monks. The first time anyone stole clothing from my house it was at an apartment in Tualatin, which is the same town John Kaempf was living in. Some new people from California had arrived and started going to my church, and I lived with one woman who was from Eastern OR and knew the guys somehow. My shirts disappeared and a couple of dresses and a coat.

I have had at least 6-7 instances of my clothing being stolen and it's always the shirts and underwear. Not once have my pants or skirts gone missing. It almost seems like my stuff keeps going to some other woman who is also small-chested and petite, like me, but who has a bigger bottom or something.

It's also always someone with decent taste who takes this stuff, because they leave my crappy clothes behind and take only the upperscale or casual and chic things.

In almost every case, my things disappear right before I'm about to move out of a place.

It is possible Exxon made another set of keys but I can't imagine anyone would dare walk onto the property if they didn't live there. The only people there were me, Exxon, and the woman roommate.

As for the woman, well, I'm sorry, but it's a little weird.

First of all, when we first arrived, Alvaro and she exchanged looks like they knew eachother. It didn't make any sense that they WOULD. But when I asked her if she had wi-fi, she looked at Alvaro, hesitating, and he looked at her and they exchanged these "looks". She said no, she'd just disconnected it but if we paid we might be able to get it back. So then I found out she DID have wi-fi, because my computer was picking up her connection, or at least one with her name and Alvaro kept trying to insist she didn"t. The looks were sort of like they didn't want me to be blogging or to know she had wi-fi. So I wondered when they'd talked and if they knew eachother.

Then, I noticed them eyeing eachother now and then. Next, I was taking a nap and she made dinner for him and another friend and when I got up, after hearing them talking about what sounded like ME and another woman, no one looked very comfortable. Another guy had rung the doorbell and when he asked what they were doing (when I was supposed to be asleep taking my nap) she said, "Oh, talking about crazy ex-wives!" Ex-wives plural? I had gone in with Alvaro as if we were married, but then again, she seemed to already know the situation but kept saying she knew it was God's will and plan I was there.

Then I see the room and the only thing a little odd was the three knights helmets with a snakeskin beneath it. ?

When I got out of bed, I noticed she was wearing a very low-cut shirt that was black and white, with a red sash. Alvaro's favorite symbolic colors, which I noticed a lot on his friends back east. Black and white with maybe a red accent. Otherwise, she was always wearing blue and white, or with gold added, like him. Not that it REAAaaaaaaaally matters, but it's just weird, because for sure they knew eachother when they exchanged looks about the wi-fi and then she's wearing those colors.

She looked pissed that I decided to join them at the table. She asked me if I wanted to go back to bed and suggested I finish taking my nap.

Alvaro was never seriously looking for work here. Then, the whole incident where he asked for the housekeys when I knew the house was already open. He wanted to be sure I wasn't able to just walk in. And when I got there, I had to knock and knock and ring the doorbell and it took forever for anyone to open the door. At least 10 mintues and she opened the door naked, but in her bathrobe and he was lying on the couch. I had heard her dog's bells in my bedroom when I knocked on the bedroom window.

So, she says to him, "Didn't you hear the doorbell?" and he said no, he'd been asleep. Sorry, but I know Alvaro and he is NOT a heavy sleeper. He wakes up to any small noise and to touch.

And then I asked him to come to bed and he just wanted to stay on the couch. Why? Because his NOSE and MOUTH and CHIN were fucking bright RED like he'd been giving some woman oral for hours.

Oh yeah, and this is when she supposedly thinks we're married. Right.

I saw that nasty bright red mouth just like that, on Valentine's Day. The nose was new. He looked like a fucking Pussy Eating Rudolph. Sorry, but all the guy needed was a pair of antlers.

I am not even kidding. I tried to think maybe it was a Latina, but I don't think so. He wouldn't need the housekeys to keep me out if it had been a Latina, not that he wasn't sleeping with others too. Not only that, his nose and mouth were freshly red, and he does NOT sleep heavy like that, and they took way too long to get to the door.

So me, I'm not one to jump to conclusions. I thought, hell, the mouth is obvious. But maybe the nose is from a massive sunburn from all his hard work outside looking for a job. And Alvaro, when he came to bed, didn't want to touch me and didn't even want to LOOK at me. I said, "Look at me" and I called him on it. Then the next morning, I said to him, "Look at me for a minute." I looked at his nose. His nose was NOT red anymore. It wasn't red at all. It was back to normal color.

I thought why would she do that? but then I remembered how they seemed to know eachother from the very start. And she was acting like she wanted him alone and he was eyeing her as well because he's a fucking womanizer. So then I thought about how he'd not been wanting to kiss me quite as much the days before. I was out training for a job in poker from 11-5 and he was hanging out at the house.

He could have been with someone else too, I definitely believe that. I found a message on his cell phone that said, "Donde va andas?" and this was supposedly when he was brand new to town and didn't know anyone. Then he had another email that said, "air paso" and sent it to his email address. He had all these messages he was sending himself, from his iphone to his email address.

So, right after that night, yeah, I threw a fucking Arby's sandwich at his lap, after he yelled at me about not going to work to train for poker that day. He wanted me out of the way again.

He took off and so did the housemate. She hasn't spent one night at her house since he left.

I don't know where she's staying, but it's not there. For all the talk about how she thinks I'm "meant to be here" she has avoided me like the plague.

Other things I noticed about Alvaro, is how he knew the other state workers, the state attorneys and maybe possibly Michelle E., but I'm not sure about that. He was getting triple AAA rates at all of the government used hotels, and his air fare for me was for frequent flier miles and the stewardess said it was an extremely low rate and part of a GROUP package. She said it didn't appear to have been bought through Exepedia and yet I got the itinerary from Exepedia and was there when we called for the package. Yet later, I found out the airfare at least, had been paid for through some other means.

Then, he was using his iphone to record stuff when we talked, and he also made some huge deal about not using his phone in a very long and deep tunnel. He kept telling me nervously, to turn it off because it would cut out. It didn't cut out at all. It continued to get reception even in places you wouldn't usually get reception.

There's more. Oh baby, I just got started.

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